Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JI2
KangXi 1371.150 KangXi position 1371.150

Unicode 12.1
KangXi 1371.150 KangXi position 1371.150

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition service ; a servant , laborer ; to serve
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping jik6 On YAKU EKI Kun TSUTOME EDACHI Hangul Korean YEK Tang *iuɛk Viet dịch

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition service ; a servant , laborer ; to serve
Pinyin Jyutping jik6 On YAKU EKI Kun TSUTOME EDACHI Hangul : 0E Korean YEK Tang *iuɛk Viet dịch

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