Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of tree , machilus nanmu
Pinyin NAN2 Jyutping naam4 On NAN Kun KUSUNOKI Hangul Korean NAM Viet nêm
Variant U+678F
Morohashi index 15152
IRG Dai Kanwa Ziten (Morohashi) 15152

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin nan2 Reading On ナン ; ダン ; ゼン ; ネン Reading Kun くす ; くすのき Nanori くず ; な Reading Korean nam Reading Korean
Meaning camphor tree Meaning fr camphrier Meaning es árbol de alcanfor
Dictionary dr_moro 15152

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition name of tree , machilus nanmu
Pinyin nán Jyutping naam4 On NAN Kun KUSUNOKI Hangul : 0N Korean NAM Viet nêm
Variant U+678F
Morohashi index 15152
IRG Dai Kanwa Ziten (Morohashi) 15152

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin nan2 Reading On ナン ; ダン ; ゼン ; ネン Reading Kun くす ; くすのき Nanori くず ; な Reading Korean nam Reading Korean
Meaning camphor tree Meaning fr camphrier Meaning es árbol de alcanfor
Dictionary dr_moro 15152

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