Unicode 5.2
Character Definition melt , fuse ; market , sell ; to pass time , finish , cancel
Pinyin XIAO1 Jyutping siu1 On SHOU Kun TOKERU KESU Hangul Korean SO Tang *siɛu Viet tiu
Simplified U+9500
Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary, 1942 170.07

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition soar , fly , float ; scatter
Pinyin YANG2 Jyutping joeng4 On YOU Kun AGERU Hangul Korean YANG Tang *iɑng
Simplified U+98CF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition melt , fuse ; market , sell ; to pass time , finish , cancel
Pinyin xiāo Jyutping siu1 On SHOU Kun TOKERU KESU Hangul : 0N Korean SO Tang *siɛu Viet tiu
Simplified U+9500
Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary, 1942 170.07

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition soar , fly , float ; scatter
Pinyin yáng Jyutping joeng4 On YOU Kun AGERU Hangul : 1N Korean YANG Tang *iɑng
Simplified U+98CF

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