Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to squeeze and to crowd against each other ( of sheep )
Pinyin DUO4 RUI2 WEI3 Jyutping wai2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition earthen jug , crock , cistern
Pinyin GANG1 HONG2 Jyutping gong1 On KOU Kun KAME MOTAI Hangul Korean HANG Viet cong
Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary, 1942 242.04

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition earthen jug , crock , cistern
Pinyin gāng Jyutping gong1 On KOU Kun KAME MOTAI Hangul : 0N Korean HANG Viet cong
Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary, 1942 242.04

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to squeeze and to crowd against each other ( of sheep )
Pinyin wěi Jyutping wai2

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