Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to walk
Pinyin YONG3 Jyutping zung5
IRG South Korea 3-327C

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YUAN1
IRG PRC and Singapore 3-327C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition call ; name , brand ; address ; say
Pinyin CHENG1 CHEN4 CHENG4 Jyutping cing1 cing3 On SHOU Kun HAKARU TONAERU AGERU Korean CHING Viet xưng
Traditional U+7A31
CNS 11643-1992 3-327C IRG Taiwan 3-327C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition call ; name , brand ; address ; say
Pinyin chēng Jyutping cing1 cing3 On SHOU Kun HAKARU TONAERU AGERU Korean CHING Viet xưng
Traditional U+7A31
CNS 11643-1992 3-327C

Unicode 5.2
Character 𣗒
Viet chằm
IRG Vietnam 3-327C

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