Unicode 5.2
Character Definition across
Pinyin HENG2 HENG4 GUANG1 HUANG2 HUANG4 Jyutping waang4 waang6 On OU KOU Kun YOKO YOKOTAWARU YOKOTAERU Korean HOYNG Viet hoạnh
Traditional U+6A6B
CNS 11643-1992 3-4C59 IRG Taiwan 3-4C59

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin TIAN2
IRG PRC and Singapore 3-4C59

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition across
Pinyin héng Jyutping waang4 waang6 On OU KOU Kun YOKO YOKOTAWARU YOKOTAERU Korean HOYNG Viet hoạnh
Traditional U+6A6B
CNS 11643-1992 3-4C59

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