Unicode 5.2
Character Definition herb , aromatic plant
Pinyin PU2 BEI4 BU4 BO2 Jyutping pou4 On HAI BO Kun HOTOKEGUSA Hangul Korean PO Viet bồ
Morohashi index 31205
IRG Dai Kanwa Ziten (Morohashi) 31205

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition herb , aromatic plant
Pinyin Jyutping pou4 On HAI BO Kun HOTOKEGUSA Hangul : 0N Korean PO Viet bồ
Morohashi index 31205
IRG Dai Kanwa Ziten (Morohashi) 31205

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin pu2 Reading On Reading Korean bo Reading Korean
Meaning kind of grass ; sacred tree Meaning es sonido 'bo' en sánscrito

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin pu2 Reading On Reading Korean bo Reading Korean
Meaning kind of grass ; sacred tree Meaning es sonido 'bo' en sánscrito

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