Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to pull , drag , break off , to pluck (a flower ); bent , warped ; perverse , obstinate
Pinyin AO3 AO4 NIU4 Jyutping aau2 aau3 ngaau3 On OU YOU IKU Kun NEJIKERU SUNERU Hangul Korean YO Viet húc
Hanyu Da Zidian Pinyin 31862.060 : ǎo , ào , niù ,

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to pull , drag , break off , to pluck (a flower ); bent , warped ; perverse , obstinate
Pinyin ǎo Jyutping aau2 aau3 ngaau3 On OU YOU IKU Kun NEJIKERU SUNERU Hangul : 0N Korean YO Viet húc
Hanyu Da Zidian Pinyin 31862.060 : ǎo , ào , niù ,

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