Unicode 5.2
Character Definition protect , safeguard , defend , care
Pinyin BAO3 Jyutping bou2 On HO HOU Kun TAMOTSU YASUNJIRU Hangul Korean PO Tang bɑǔ Viet bảo

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡂈 Definition ( Cant .) to lie prone ; to bend over
Jyutping buk6 Viet vọc
Cheng, Bauer: The Representation of Cantonese with 386.06

Unicode 5.2
Character 𦖥
Song Ben Guang Yun 386.06

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition protect , safeguard , defend , care
Pinyin bǎo Jyutping bou2 On HO HOU Kun TAMOTSU YASUNJIRU Hangul : 0E Korean PO Tang bɑǔ Viet bảo

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡂈 Definition ( Cant .) to lie prone ; to bend over
Jyutping buk6 Viet vọc
Cheng, Bauer: The Representation of Cantonese with 386.06

Unicode 12.1
Character 𦖥
Song Ben Guang Yun 386.06

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