Unicode 5.2
Character Definition servant ; to make a disturbance
Pinyin SI1 Jyutping si1 On SHI Kun KOMONO Hangul Korean SI
Traditional U+5EDD
KPS 10721-2000 38ED

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition number , several ; a few , a kind of caldron or kettle , to walk
Jyutping zung1
Unicode Code Point 38ED

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition servant ; to make a disturbance
Pinyin Jyutping si1 On SHI Kun KOMONO Hangul : 1N Korean SI
Traditional U+5EDD
KPS 10721-2000 38ED

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition number , several ; a few , a kind of caldron or kettle , to walk
Pinyin zōng Jyutping zung1
Unicode Code Point 38ED

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