Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+7728 ) to wink ; ( same as U+776B ) eyelashes , having one eye smller than the other , joke ; witticism ; pleasantry ; jest ; fun ; ( Cant .) to peep at ; to blink , wink
Pinyin JIE2 ZHA3 JIA2 SHE4 YA4 Jyutping gap6 zip3
Hanyu Da Zidian Pinyin 42490.020 : jié , zhǎ , shè , jiá ,

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) to wink ; ( same as ) eyelashes , having one eye smaller than the other , joke ; witticism ; pleasantry ; jest ; fun ; ( Cant .) to peep at ; to blink , wink
Pinyin jié Jyutping gap6 zip3
Simplified U+25174
Hanyu Da Zidian Pinyin 42490.020 : jié , zhǎ , shè , jiá ,

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