KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin man4 ; man2 Reading On マン Reading Kun みだり .に ; そぞ .ろ Reading Korean man Reading Korean
Meaning cartoon ; involuntarily ; in spite of oneself ; corrupt Meaning fr manga ; imprécis ; involontaire ; à contre-coeur ; corrompre Meaning es involuntariamente ; relajado ; flojo Meaning pt desenho animado ; involuntariamente ; no interesse de a si próprio ; corrompido
Miscellaneous JIS 208 44-01

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chuo4 Reading On シュク ; スク ; サク Reading Kun ひと . しい
Miscellaneous JIS 212 44-01

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin man4 ; man2 Reading On マン Reading Kun みだり .に ; そぞ .ろ Reading Korean man Reading Korean
Meaning cartoon ; involuntarily ; unrestrained ; in spite of oneself ; corrupt Meaning fr manga ; imprécis ; involontaire ; à contre-coeur ; corrompre Meaning es involuntariamente ; relajado ; flojo Meaning pt desenho animado ; involuntariamente ; no interesse de a si próprio ; corrompido
Miscellaneous JIS 208 44-01

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin man4 Reading On マン Reading Kun みだ . りに
Miscellaneous JIS 208 Variant 44-01

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin chuo4 Reading On シュク ; スク ; サク Reading Kun ひと . しい
Miscellaneous JIS 212 44-01

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