Unicode 5.2
Character Definition examine , investigate ; judge
Pinyin SHEN3 Jyutping sam2 On SHIN Kun TSUMABIRAKA Hangul Korean SIM Viet thẩm
Simplified U+5BA1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to close , shut
Pinyin MEI4 Jyutping mei1 Viet
Cheng, Bauer: The Representation of Cantonese with 444.09

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition examine , investigate ; judge
Pinyin shěn Jyutping sam2 On SHIN Kun TSUMABIRAKA Hangul : 0E Korean SIM Viet thẩm
Simplified U+5BA1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) to close , shut
Pinyin mèi Jyutping mei1 Viet
Cheng, Bauer: The Representation of Cantonese with 444.09

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