Unicode 5.2
Character Definition holy , sacred
Pinyin SHENG4 KU1 Jyutping sing3 On KUTSU KOCHI SEI Kun TAGAYASU Viet thánh
Traditional U+8056
Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary, 1942 447.08

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition holy , sacred ; sage
Pinyin SHENG4 Jyutping sing3 On SEI SHOU Kun HIJIRI Hangul Korean SENG Tang *shiɛ̀ng Viet thánh
Simplified U+5723 Variant U+580A

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥔿 Definition ( Cant .) classifier for cannons , large guns , etc .
Jyutping ham2
Cheng, Bauer: The Representation of Cantonese with 447.08

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition holy , sacred
Pinyin shèng Jyutping sing3 On KUTSU KOCHI SEI Kun TAGAYASU Viet thánh
Traditional U+8056
Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary, 1942 447.08

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition holy , sacred ; sage
Pinyin shèng Jyutping sing3 On SEI SHOU Kun HIJIRI Hangul : 0EN Korean SENG Tang *shiɛ̀ng Viet thánh
Simplified U+5723 Variant U+580A

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥔿 Definition ( Cant .) classifier for cannons , large guns , etc .
Jyutping ham2
Cheng, Bauer: The Representation of Cantonese with 447.08

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