Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chivalrous person ; knight-errant
Pinyin XIA2 Jyutping haap6 hap6 On KYOU Kun OTOKODATE KYAN Hangul Korean HYEP KYEP Tang hep Viet hiệp
Simplified U+4FA0
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 455G

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cheeks , jaw
Pinyin JIA2 Jyutping gaap3 haap3 On KYOU Kun HOO Hangul Korean HYEP Tang gep
Simplified U+988A
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 455G

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition chivalrous person ; knight-errant
Pinyin xiá Jyutping haap6 hap6 On KYOU Kun OTOKODATE KYAN Hangul : 0N Korean HYEP KYEP Tang hep Viet hiệp
Simplified U+4FA0
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 455G

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cheeks , jaw
Pinyin jiá Jyutping gaap3 haap3 On KYOU Kun HOO Hangul : 0N Korean HYEP Tang gep
Simplified U+988A
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 455G

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