Unicode 5.2
Character Definition winnower
Pinyin BO4 BO3 Jyutping bo2 bo3 On HA Kun HIRU Hangul Korean PHA
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 537E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lean one side ; very , rather
Pinyin PO1 PO3 PO4 PI2 Jyutping po1 po2 On HA Kun KATAYORU SUKOBURU Hangul Korean PHA Tang *pɑ pɑ̌ Viet phở
Simplified U+9887
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 537E

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin E4 On GAKU Kun UWAAGO Hangul Korean AK
Unicode Code Point 537E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition winnower
Pinyin Jyutping bo2 bo3 On HA Kun HIRU Hangul : 1N Korean PHA
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 537E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lean one side ; very , rather
Pinyin Jyutping po1 po2 On HA Kun KATAYORU SUKOBURU Hangul : 0E Korean PHA Tang *pɑ pɑ̌ Viet phở
Simplified U+9887
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 537E

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin è Jyutping ngok6 ok6 On GAKU Kun UWAAGO Hangul :1 Korean AK
Unicode Code Point 537E

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