Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to stumble and fall prone stiff in death
Pinyin BO2 POU4 Jyutping baak6 On HOU BOKU HAI BAI Kun TAORERU Korean PWU POK Tang bhək Viet vội
Four-Corner Code 6016.1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tip toe
Pinyin DIAN3 Jyutping dim3
Four-Corner Code 6016.1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to stumble and fall prone stiff in death
Pinyin Jyutping baak6 On HOU BOKU HAI BAI Kun TAORERU Korean PWU POK Tang bhək Viet vội
Four-Corner Code 6016.1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition tip toe
Pinyin diǎn Jyutping dim3
Four-Corner Code 6016.1

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