Unicode 5.2
Character Definition smoothly , progressing , no trouble
Pinyin HENG1 XIANG3 PENG1 Jyutping hang1 paang1 On KYOU KOU HOU Kun TATEMATSURU TOORU Hangul Korean HYENG PHAYNG Viet hanh
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 669b

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition delineate , painting , picture , drawing ; draw
Pinyin HUA4 Jyutping waa2 waa6 waak6 On KAKU GA KAI Kun KAGIRU HAKARU HAKARIGOTO KAKU Hangul Korean HWA HOYK Tang *huɛ̀i huɛk Viet hoạ
Simplified U+5212 U+753B Variant U+753B
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 669B

Unicode 5.2
Unicode Code Point 669B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition smoothly , progressing , no trouble
Pinyin hēng Jyutping hang1 paang1 On KYOU KOU HOU Kun TATEMATSURU TOORU Hangul : 0E Korean HYENG PHAYNG Viet hanh
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 669b

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition delineate , painting , picture , drawing ; draw
Pinyin huà Jyutping waa2 waa6 waak6 On KAKU GA KAI Kun KAGIRU HAKARU HAKARIGOTO KAKU Hangul : 1E Korean HWA HOYK Tang *huɛ̀i huɛk Viet hoạ
Simplified U+753B Variant U+753B
Fenn: The Five Thousand Dictionary, 1979 669B

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin suǒ On SA Kun AKIRAKA
Unicode Code Point 669B

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