Unicode 5.2
Character Definition recite , read , chant
Pinyin NIAN4 Jyutping nim6 On TEN Kun UNARU UNARI Korean CEM CEN Viet nếm
Four-Corner Code 6803.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to eat , drink
Pinyin CAN1 Kun KUU KUI Hangul Korean SIK
Variant U+9910
Four-Corner Code 6803.2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition recite , read , chant
Pinyin niàn Jyutping nim6 On TEN Kun UNARU UNARI Korean CEM CEN Viet nếm
Four-Corner Code 6803.2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to eat , drink
Pinyin cān Jyutping caan1 Kun KUU KUI Hangul :1 Korean SIK
Variant U+9910
Four-Corner Code 6803.2

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