Unicode 5.2
Character Definition broad , ample , wide ; be apart
Pinyin KUO4 Jyutping fut3 On KATSU Kun HIROI
Variant U+95CA
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set 90B6 IRG Hong Kong SAR 90B6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition school
Pinyin HENG2 HONG2 Jyutping hung4 On KOU Kun MANABEYA Hangul Korean HOYNG
Simplified U+9EC9
KPS 10721-2000 90B6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition place in today's Henan province
Pinyin BEI4 Jyutping bui3 On HAI BAI Korean PHAY
Unicode Code Point 90B6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition broad , ample , wide ; be apart
Pinyin kuò Jyutping fut3 On KATSU Kun HIROI Hangul :N
Variant U+95CA
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set 90B6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition school
Pinyin hóng Jyutping hung4 On KOU Kun MANABEYA Hangul : 1N Korean HOYNG
Simplified U+9EC9
KPS 10721-2000 90B6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition place in today's Henan province
Pinyin bèi Jyutping bui3 On HAI BAI Korean PHAY
Unicode Code Point 90B6

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