JMdict 100319
Word 輝石
Reading きせき
Translation eng pyroxene ; augite Translation ger {Mineral .} Pyroxene ; Augit

JMdict 200217
Word 輝石
Reading きせき
Translation dut pyroxeen {delfst .} Translation spa piroxeno
Translation eng pyroxene ; augite Translation ger Pyroxen ; Augit Translation rus ( мин .) пироксен , авгит

CEDict 100318
Traditional 輝石 Simplified 辉石
Pinyin hui1 shi2
English pyroxene ( family of rock-forming minerals ) ; augite

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 輝石 Simplified 辉石
Pinyin hui1 shi2
English pyroxene ( family of rock-forming minerals ) ; augite

JMdict 200217
Word 普通輝石
Reading ふつうきせき
Translation dut augiet {delfst .} ; colofoniumsteen
Translation eng augite Translation rus ( мин .) авгит {обычный}

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