Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BO2 PO5 Jyutping but6 On HOTSU BOCHI Kun KARAZAO Viet vụt
Big5 D5C5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jaundice ; disorders of stomach
Pinyin DAN3 DAN4 DA5 Jyutping taan2 On TAN Kun OUDAN Hangul Korean TAL Viet đớn
KPS 9566-97 D5C5

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin po Jyutping but6 On HOTSU BOCHI Kun KARAZAO Viet vụt
Big5 D5C5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jaundice ; disorders of stomach
Pinyin dǎn Jyutping taan2 On TAN Kun OUDAN Hangul : 0N Korean TAL Viet đớn
KPS 9566-97 D5C5

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