Unicode 5.2
Character Definition perspiration , sweat
Pinyin HAN4 HAN2 GAN1 Jyutping hon4 hon6 hong6 On KAN Kun ASE Hangul Korean HAN Tang *hɑ̀n hɑn
KPS 9566-97 F2D2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition vine , creeper ; to wind
Pinyin LEI3 Jyutping leoi5 On RUI RA Kun KAZURA
Big5 F2D2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition perspiration , sweat
Pinyin hàn Jyutping hon4 hon6 hong6 On KAN Kun ASE Hangul : 0E Korean HAN Tang *hɑ̀n hɑn
KPS 9566-97 F2D2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition vine , creeper ; to wind
Pinyin lěi Jyutping leoi5 On RUI RA Kun KAZURA
Big5 F2D2

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