Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fly upward , soar ; contest ; to rob
Pinyin JIE2 JIA2 XIE2 Jyutping git3 kit3 On KITSU KATSU KETSU Kun OOKII KASUMETORU Hangul Korean HIL KAL Tang het Viet gật
Simplified U+9889
IRG North Korea KP1-86C7

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fly upward , soar ; contest ; to rob
Pinyin xié Jyutping git3 kit3 On KITSU KATSU KETSU Kun OOKII KASUMETORU Hangul : 1N Korean HIL KAL Tang het Viet gật
Simplified U+9889
IRG North Korea KP1-86C7

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