Unicode 5.2
Character Definition steep and lofty , a big valley
Pinyin HAN2 Jyutping ham4
Cangjie Input Code UOIR

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition steep and lofty , a big valley
Pinyin HAN2 Jyutping ham4
Cangjie Input Code UOIR

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CANG1 On SOU
Cangjie Input Code UOIR

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition steep and lofty , a big valley
Pinyin hán Jyutping ham4
Cangjie Input Code UOIR

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition steep and lofty , a big valley
Pinyin hán Jyutping ham4
Cangjie Input Code UOIR

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin cāng On SOU
Cangjie Input Code UOIR

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