Unicode 12.1
Character Definition prisoner of war ; take as prisoner
Pinyin Jyutping fu1 On FU Kun TORIKO Hangul : 1N Korean PWU
Pronunciation and Frequency ( 31 )

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cheek bone ; protective ; assist
Pinyin Jyutping fu6 On FU BU HO Kun TASUKERU TASUKE SUKE Hangul : 0N Korean PO Tang *bhiǒ
Simplified U+8F85
Pronunciation and Frequency ( 31 )

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spokes of wheel
Pinyin Jyutping fuk1 On FUKU Kun YA Hangul : 0N : 0N Korean POK PHOK
Simplified U+8F90 Variant U+FA07
Pronunciation and Frequency ( 31 )

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cheek bone ; protective ; assist
Pinyin Jyutping fu6
Traditional U+8F14
Pronunciation and Frequency ( 31 )

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spokes of wheel
Pinyin Jyutping fuk1
Traditional U+8F3B
Pronunciation and Frequency ( 31 )

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