JMnedict 200217
Reading ボネ Romaji Bonnet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bone ( the lowest pieces of bone of the spinal column and sides of the abdominal region )
Jyutping kwaa1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bone marrow ; essences , substances
Pinyin SUI3 On ZUI SUI
Variant U+9AD3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bone marrow ; essences , substances
Pinyin SUI3 Jyutping seoi5 On ZUI SUI Kun ZUI Hangul Korean SWU Tang siuɛ̌ Viet tuỷ
Variant U+81B8

JMdict 100319
Reading カサカサ ; かさかさ
Translation eng dry ; bone dry ; rustle Translation ger trocken ; rascheln Translation fre froissement

JMdict 100319
Reading ほね
Translation eng bone Translation ger Knochen ; Bein ; Gräte ; Rippe ; Charakterstärke ; Anstrengung ; Mühe Translation fre os

JMdict 100319
Word 骨髄
Reading こつずい
Translation eng bone marrow ; true spirit Translation ger {Anat .} Knochenmark ; Mark Translation fre moëlle

JMdict 100319
Word 骨折
Reading こっせつ
Translation eng bone fracture Translation ger {Med .} Knochenbruch ; Fraktur Translation fre fracture d'un os Translation rus перелом кости

JMdict 100319
Word 骨灰
Reading こっかい ; こつばい
Translation eng bone ash Translation ger Knochenasche

JMdict 100319
Word 骨片
Reading こっぺん
Translation eng bone fragment ; spicule

JMdict 100319
Word 骨密度
Reading こつみつど
Translation eng bone density

JMdict 100319
Word 骨シンチ
Reading ほねシンチ
Translation eng bone scan ; bone scintigraphy

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 骨棘
Reading こつきょく ; こっきょく
Translation eng bone spur ; osteophyte

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading ボーンチャイナ
Translation eng bone china

Radical List
Radical Radical
Meaning bone

JMnedict 100319
Reading ボーヌ Romaji Beaune ( France ) ; Bone

CEDict 100318
Traditional 卜骨 Simplified 卜骨
Pinyin bu3 gu3
English oracle bone ; bone used for divination , esp . animal scapula

CEDict 100318
Traditional 寒風刺骨 Simplified 寒风刺骨
Pinyin han2 feng1 ci4 gu3
English bone chilling wind ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 尺骨 Simplified 尺骨
Pinyin chi3 gu3
English ulna ( anatomy ) ; bone of the forearm

CEDict 100318
Traditional 成骨 Simplified 成骨
Pinyin cheng2 gu3
English bone formation ; osteogenesis

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin rao2
English radius ( anatomy ) ; bone of the forearm

CEDict 100318
Traditional 橈骨 Simplified 桡骨
Pinyin rao2 gu3
English radius ( anatomy ) ; bone of the forearm

CEDict 100318
Traditional 正骨 Simplified 正骨
Pinyin zheng4 gu3
English bone setting ; Chinese osteopathy

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gu3 Taiwan gu1
English bone

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骨器 Simplified 骨器
Pinyin gu3 qi4
English bone tool ( archaeology )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骨法 Simplified 骨法
Pinyin gu3 fa3
English bone ( property of a brush stroke )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骨灰 Simplified 骨灰
Pinyin gu3 hui1
English bone ash ; ashes of the dead

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骨炭 Simplified 骨炭
Pinyin gu3 tan4
English bone black ; animal charcoal

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骨粉 Simplified 骨粉
Pinyin gu3 fen3
English bone meal

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骨針 Simplified 骨针
Pinyin gu3 zhen1
English spicule ( in biology ) ; bone needle ( in archaeology )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骨頭 Simplified 骨头
Pinyin gu3 tou5
English bone ; strong character

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骨髓 Simplified 骨髓
Pinyin gu3 sui3
English bone marrow ( medulla ossea )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骨髓移植 Simplified 骨髓移植
Pinyin gu3 sui3 yi2 zhi2
English bone marrow transplant

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骨鯁 Simplified 骨鲠
Pinyin gu3 geng3
English fish bone ; bone stuck in the throat ; sth one feels obliged to speak out about ; candid speaker

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin di3
English sacrum ( anatomy ) ; bone forming the base of the spinal column

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骶骨 Simplified 骶骨
Pinyin di3 gu3
English sacrum ( anatomy ) ; bone forming the base of the spinal column

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hai2 Reading On ガイ ; カイ Reading Kun むくろ Reading Korean hae Reading Korean
Meaning bone ; body ; corpse Meaning es huesos ; restos mortales ; cadáver

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gu3 ; gu1 ; gu2 Reading On コツ Reading Kun ほね Reading Korean gol Reading Korean
Meaning skeleton ; bone ; remains ; frame Meaning fr os ; squelette ; restes ; charpente Meaning es hueso ; esqueleto Meaning pt esqueleto ; osso ; permanecer ; moldura

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mao4 Reading On ボウ ; モウ Reading Kun ずきん ; おお .う Reading Korean mo Reading Korean
Meaning cap ; headgear Meaning fr casquette ; couvre-chef Meaning es sombrero ; gorra ; tocado Meaning pt boné ; chapéu

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bo1 Reading On ハツ ; バチ Reading Kun は. ねる ; おさ . める Reading Korean bal Reading Korean
Meaning brush up ; reject ; exclude ; eliminate ; bone plectrum

KanjiDic2 100402

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bone ( the lowest pieces of bone of the spinal column and sides of the abdominal region )
Pinyin kuā Jyutping kwaa1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bone marrow ; essences , substances
Pinyin suǐ On ZUI SUI
Variant U+9AD3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bone marrow ; essences , substances
Pinyin suǐ Jyutping seoi5 On ZUI SUI Kun ZUI Hangul : 0N Korean SWU Tang siuɛ̌ Viet tuỷ
Variant U+81B8

JMdict 200217
Reading ボーン
Translation dut bot ; been ; Bourne ; Bohn ; Bone ; Vaughn ; Vaughan Translation hun elszenved ; hoz ; szül ; születésű ; született ; terem ; tűr ; vmilyen születésű ; vmire született Translation swe född
Translation eng bone ; Bourne ( shell ) Translation ger Sarah Vaughan ( amerik . Jazzsängerin ; 1924-1990 )

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