Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to bale out ; to decant liquids
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping jap1 On YUU OU Kun KUMU Hangul Korean UP Viet úp

Unicode 5.2
Character 𧠅
Viet úp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to bale out ; to decant liquids
Pinyin Jyutping jap1 On YUU OU Kun KUMU Hangul : 1N Korean UP Viet úp

Unicode 12.1
Character 𧠅
Viet úp

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping jap1 On CHUU JUU YUU Kun TAGAYASU Korean UP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to sob
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping jap1 On OU YUU Kun NAGEKU MUSEBU Korean UP AP Viet oạp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sorrowful , depressed , unhappy
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping jap1 On YUU Kun UREERU Hangul Korean UP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition salute , bow ; defer to , yield
Pinyin YI1 JI2 Jyutping jap1 On YUU SHUU Kun ESHAKU YUZURU OSU Hangul Korean UP CUP Tang qip Viet ập

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cry , sob , weep
Pinyin QI4 LI4 SE4 Jyutping jap1 On KYUU Kun NAKU NAKI Hangul Korean UP Tang *kyip Viet khắp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition moist , wet , dampen
Pinyin YI4 YA4 Jyutping jap1 On YUU OU YOU Kun URUOU Hangul Korean UP Tang gyip Viet ướp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition area , district , city , state
Pinyin YI4 E4 Jyutping jap1 On YUU OU Kun KUNI MURA UREERU Hangul Korean UP Tang *qyip Viet ấp
Variant U+961D

JMdict 100319
Reading アップ
Translation eng up ; upload ; charge-up (e.g. a battery ) ; surge or boost ; up style ; up sweep ; close-up (e.g. photo ) Translation ger Erhöhung ; Hochfrisur ; {Fotog .} Nahaufnahme ; {EDV} Upload ; Hochladen ; ( Abk .) ; . Translation fre vers le haut

JMdict 100319
Reading アップスタイル
Translation eng up style ; up sweep

JMdict 100319
Reading アップダウン
Translation eng up down Translation ger {Sport} Ansteigen und Abfallen der Strecke oder des Geländes

JMdict 100319
Reading アップツーデート
Translation eng up to date Translation ger up to date ; zeitgemäß ; auf dem neuesten Stand ; .

JMdict 100319
Word 五里霧中
Reading ごりむちゅう
Translation eng totally at a loss ; lose one's bearings ; in a maze ; in a fog ; all at sea ; up in the air ; mystified ; bewildered Translation ger Verwirrung ; Hilflosigkeit ; Perplexion Translation fre être dans le brouillard ; ne pas voir clair

JMdict 100319
Word 今日的
Reading こんにちてき
Translation eng modern ; up-to-date Translation ger zeitgemäß ; modern ; up to date

JMdict 100319
Word 首っ丈
Reading くびったけ
Translation eng up to the neck ; complete devotion Translation ger Hingerissenheit von jmdm

JMdict 100319
Word 従来
Reading じゅうらい
Translation eng up to now ; so far ; traditional ; existing (e.g. equipment ) Translation ger bisher ; bis heute ; bis jetzt ; bis zur Gegenwart ; alt hergebracht ; üblich ; gebräuchlich Translation fre jusqu'à présent ; traditionnel ; usuel

JMdict 100319
Word 上下
Reading うえした
Translation eng high and low ; up and down ; unloading and loading ; praising and blaming Translation ger oben und unten Translation fre de haut en bas ; en haut et en bas ; vertical ; verticalement

JMdict 100319
Word 諾否
Reading だくひ
Translation eng consent or refusal ; yes or no ; decision to accept or decline ; up or down ( vote ) ; assent or dissent ; accept or reject Translation ger Ja oder Nein ; Zu- oder Absage Translation fre oui ou non

JMdict 100319
Word 今まで ; 今迄
Reading いままで
Translation eng until now ; so far ; up to the present Translation ger bisher ; bislang ; bis jetzt Translation fre jusqu'à présent

JMdict 100319
Word 樹上
Reading じゅじょう
Translation eng up in a tree Translation ger auf einem Baum

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 一上一下
Reading いちじょういちげ
Translation eng up and down

JMdict 100319
Word 上下左右
Reading じょうげさゆう
Translation eng up and down ( top and bottom ), left and right

JMdict 100319
Word くそ食らえ ; 糞食らえ
Reading くそくらえ
Translation eng fuck off! ( lit : eat shit ) ; up yours! ; up your arse ( ass )

JMdict 100319
Word 上り線
Reading のぼりせん
Translation eng up line ; in-bound line

JMdict 100319
Reading までなら
Translation eng up to ... (e.g. items ) ( nuance of comparison ) ; until ... ( times ) ; as far as

JMdict 100319
Reading ユーピー
Translation eng UP

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional 上下 Simplified 上下
Pinyin shang4 xia4
English up and down ; top and bottom ; old and new ; length ; about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 上夸克 Simplified 上夸克
Pinyin shang4 kua1 ke4
English up quark ( physics )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 上箭頭鍵 Simplified 上箭头键
Pinyin shang4 jian4 tou2 jian4
English up arrow key ( on keyboard )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 上行 Simplified 上行
Pinyin shang4 xing2
English up train (i.e. towards the capital )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 以至 Simplified 以至
Pinyin yi3 zhi4
English down to ; up to ; to such an extent as to ... ( also written 以至於 | 以至于 [ yi3 zhi4 yu2 ])

CEDict 100318
Traditional 以至于 Simplified 以至于
Pinyin yi3 zhi4 yu2
English down to ; up to ; to the extent that ...

CEDict 100318
Traditional 以致 Simplified 以致
Pinyin yi3 zhi4
English to such an extent as to ; down to ; up to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 像樣 Simplified 像样
Pinyin xiang4 yang4
English presentable ; decent ; up to par

CEDict 100318
Traditional 其先 Simplified 其先
Pinyin qi2 xian1
English previously ; before that ; up to then

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dao4
English to (a place ) ; until (a time ) ; up to ; to go ; to arrive

CEDict 100318
Traditional 到現在 Simplified 到现在
Pinyin dao4 xian4 zai4
English up until now ; to date

CEDict 100318
Traditional 到目前 Simplified 到目前
Pinyin dao4 mu4 qian2
English up until now ; to date

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ji2
English and ; to reach ; up to ; in time for

CEDict 100318
Traditional 可達 Simplified 可达
Pinyin ke3 da2
English can reach ; can get as high as ; up to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 向上 Simplified 向上
Pinyin xiang4 shang4
English upward ; up ; to advance ; to try to improve oneself ; to make progress

Records 1 - 50 of 158 retrieved in 820 ms