JMdict 100319
Word 今もって
Reading いまもって
Translation eng until now Translation ger bis jetzt ; noch ; noch nicht

JMdict 100319
Reading まで
Translation eng until ; till doing ; as far as Translation ger bis ; bis zu ; bis nach ; sogar

JMdict 100319
Word 未だに
Reading いまだに
Translation eng still ; even now ; until this very day Translation ger bis jetzt ; noch ; noch nicht

JMdict 100319
Word 今日まで
Reading きょうまで ; こんにちまで
Translation eng until today Translation ger bis heute

JMdict 100319
Word 今まで ; 今迄
Reading いままで
Translation eng until now ; so far ; up to the present Translation ger bisher ; bislang ; bis jetzt Translation fre jusqu'à présent

JMdict 100319
Word それ迄
Reading それまで
Translation eng That's the end of the matter ; That's it ; Until then Translation ger bis dahin ; bis zu diesem Grad ; bis zu diesem Ausmaß ; bis zu dieser Zeit

JMdict 100319
Reading までなら
Translation eng up to ... (e.g. items ) ( nuance of comparison ) ; until ... ( times ) ; as far as

CEDict 100318
Traditional 一直以來 Simplified 一直以来
Pinyin yi1 zhi2 yi3 lai2
English since always ; until now

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin si4
English until ; wait for

CEDict 100318
Traditional 再會 Simplified 再会
Pinyin zai4 hui4
English to meet again ; until we meet again ; goodbye

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dao4
English to (a place ) ; until (a time ) ; up to ; to go ; to arrive

CEDict 100318
Traditional 到目前為止 Simplified 到目前为止
Pinyin dao4 mu4 qian2 wei2 zhi3
English until now ; so far

CEDict 100318
Traditional 到那個時候 Simplified 到那个时候
Pinyin dao4 na4 ge4 shi2 hou4
English until this moment

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhi3
English to stop ; to prohibit ; until ; only

CEDict 100318
Traditional 死而後已 Simplified 死而后已
Pinyin si3 er2 hou4 yi3
English until death puts an end ( idiom ); one's whole life ; unto one's dying day

CEDict 100318
Traditional 為止 Simplified 为止
Pinyin wei2 zhi3
English until

CEDict 100318
Traditional 爾來 Simplified 尔来
Pinyin er3 lai2
English recently ; until now ; up to the present ; lately ; also written 邇來 | 迩来

CEDict 100318
Traditional 直到 Simplified 直到
Pinyin zhi2 dao4
English until

CEDict 100318
Traditional 直到現在 Simplified 直到现在
Pinyin zhi2 dao4 xian4 zai4
English even now ; until now ; right up to the present

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhi4
English arrive ; most ; to ; until

CEDict 100318
Traditional 至今 Simplified 至今
Pinyin zhi4 jin1
English until now

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin qi4
English as yet ; until

CEDict 100318
Traditional 迄今 Simplified 迄今
Pinyin qi4 jin1
English so far ; to date ; until now

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dai4
English catch ; seize ; until

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dai3
English arrest ; catch ; seize ; until

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dai4
English catch ; seize ; until

CEDict 100318
Traditional 邇來 Simplified 迩来
Pinyin er3 lai2
English recently ; until now ; up to the present ; lately ; also written 爾來 | 尔来

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qi4 Reading On キツ Reading Kun まで ; およ .ぶ Reading Korean heul Reading Korean
Meaning until ; up to ; as far as ; to the extent Meaning fr jusqu'à ; pour autant que ; dans une certaine mesure Meaning es hasta ; hasta el punto que

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ji4 Reading On Reading Kun そそ .ぐ
Meaning until ; till ; soup ; to soak

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dai4 Reading On タイ Reading Kun いた .る Reading Korean tae
Meaning until ; when ; seize ; arrest

JMdict 200217
Word 今もって ; 今以て
Reading いまもって
Translation dut nog steeds ; vooralsnog {~…ない} ; nog niet Translation hun eddigi ; csend ; ennek ellenére ; mégis ; mindazonáltal ; mozdulatlan ; de azért Translation swe ändå ; likväl
Translation eng until now ; still ; yet ; ( not ) yet ; since Translation ger bis jetzt ; noch ; noch nicht

JMdict 200217
Reading まで
Translation dut het punt aan tot waar iets reikt {…~} {duidt ; grenst} tot ; totdat ; tot aan ; tot toe ; voordat ; een mate {…~} {duidt ; benadering aan} tot zover ; à ; beperking uit} enkel {…~} {drukt ; alleen ; slechts ; maar ; niet meer dan ; niets dan ; een extreem voorbeeld aan} zelfs {…~} {duidt ; bevestiging of nadruk aan} {…~} {duidt Translation hun amíg Translation spa hasta ; a
Translation eng until (a time ) ; till ; to ; up to ; to (a place ) ; as far as ; to ( an extent ) ; up to ; so far as ; even ; only ; merely Translation ger bis ; bis zu ; bis nach ; sogar Translation rus 1) до ; 2) до того , что… ; 3) даже

JMdict 200217
Word 今日まで
Reading きょうまで ; こんにちまで
Translation eng until today Translation ger bis heute

JMdict 200217
Word 今まで ; 今迄
Reading いままで
Translation dut tot op heden ; tot nu ( toe ) ; tot dusver ; tot nog toe ; tot op de dag van vandaag Translation hun eddigi ; ez ideig ; idáig Translation spa hasta ahora ; hasta el presente
Translation eng until now ; so far ; up to the present Translation ger bisher ; bislang ; bis jetzt ; bis jetzt ; bis heute ; bislang Translation fre jusqu'à présent Translation rus , 今迄の所 до сих пор ; к этому времени ; : {~{に}} , 今迄の所 до сих пор ; к этому времени
Crossref 今から

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Reading までなら
Translation eng up to ... (e.g. items ) ; until ... ( times ) ; as far as

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin qi4 Reading On キツ Reading Kun まで ; およ .ぶ Reading Korean heul Reading Korean
Meaning until ; up to ; as far as ; to the extent Meaning fr jusqu'à ; pour autant que ; dans une certaine mesure Meaning es hasta ; hasta el punto que

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ji4 Reading On Reading Kun そそ .ぐ
Meaning until ; till ; soup ; to soak

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin dai4 Reading On タイ Reading Kun いた .る Reading Korean tae
Meaning until ; when ; seize ; arrest

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 再會 Simplified 再会
Pinyin zai4 hui4
English to meet again ; until we meet again ; goodbye

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dao4
English to (a place ) ; until (a time ) ; up to ; to go ; to arrive ; ( verb complement denoting completion or result of an action )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 到目前為止 Simplified 到目前为止
Pinyin dao4 mu4 qian2 wei2 zhi3
English until now ; so far

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 到那個時候 Simplified 到那个时候
Pinyin dao4 na4 ge4 shi2 hou4
English until this moment

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhi3
English to stop ; to prohibit ; until ; only

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