Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QIAN1 Viet then

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠾺
Viet thẹn

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢢆
Viet thẹn

Unicode 5.2
Character 𣏿
Viet then

Unicode 5.2
Character 𣛩
Viet then

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin qiān Jyutping cin1 Viet then

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠾺
Viet thẹn

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢢆
Viet thẹn

Unicode 12.1
Character 𣏿
Viet then

Unicode 12.1
Character 𣛩
Viet then

JMdict 100319
Reading さてさて
Translation eng well ; now ; then Translation ger nun ; dann ; ( Ausruf der Überraschung oder wenn einen etw . beeindruckt )

JMdict 100319
Reading じゃあ ; じゃ
Translation eng combination of 'de' and 'wa' particles ; plain copula ; then ; well ; so ; well then Translation ger also dann ; also ; nun ; dann Translation fre bien ; bon
Crossref で ; は ; だ ; では

JMdict 100319
Word 其処
Reading そこ
Translation eng there ( place relatively near listener ) ; there ( place just mentioned ) ; that place ; then ( of some incident just spoken of ) ; that ( of point just raised ) ; you Translation ger dort ; da ; jener Ort ; Stelle da Translation rus там ( место рядом с собеседником )
Crossref 彼処 ; 此処 ; 何処

JMdict 100319
Word 其れ
Reading それ
Translation eng that ( indicating an item or person near the listener , the action of the listener , or something on their mind ) ; it ; that time ; then ; there ( indicating a place near the listener ) ; you Translation ger das da ; das ; der ; die ; das ; diese Zeit Translation fre ça ; ceci ; cela Translation rus это ( рядом с собеседником ) ; то
Crossref 彼・あれ ; 此れ ; 何れ

JMdict 100319
Reading では
Translation eng then ; well ; so ; well then Translation ger also ; dann ; also dann Translation fre alors ; donc ; et bien Translation rus итак ; тогда ; в таком случае
Crossref それでは

JMdict 100319
Word 其処で
Reading そこで
Translation eng so ; accordingly ; now ; then ; thereupon ; therefore Translation fre alors ( conjonction ) ; dans ce cas ; donc ; là-dessus ; maintenant ; sur ce

JMdict 100319
Word ; ;
Reading さて
Translation eng well ; now ; then Translation ger nun ; nun aber ; also ; so ; gut ; wohlan ; und ; in der Zwischenzeit Translation fre bien ( transition entre deux sujets différents )

JMdict 100319
Word 然らば
Reading しからば
Translation eng if so ; if it be so ; in that case ; then Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; in diesem Fall ; wenn es so ist ; dann

JMdict 100319
Word その時
Reading そのとき
Translation eng at that time ; at that moment ; then ; on that occasion Translation ger zu dieser Zeit , damals

JMdict 100319
Reading そしたら
Translation eng then Translation ger ( ugs .) ; in so einem Fall ; unter so einer Bedingung ; dann ; und dann

JMdict 100319
Word その場 ; 其の場
Reading そのば
Translation eng there ; that situation ; that occasion ; the spot (i.e. "on the spot" ) ; immediately ; then and there

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin nai3
English to be ; thus ; so ; therefore ; then ; only ; thereupon

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zai4
English again ; once more ; re- ; second ; another ; then ( after sth , and not until then )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 古今 Simplified 古今
Pinyin gu3 jin1
English then and now ; ancient and modern

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shi3
English to begin ; to start ; then ; only then

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 就晚了 Simplified 就晚了
Pinyin jiu4 wan3 le5
English then it's too late ( colloquial )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yi3
English already ; to stop ; then ; afterwards

CEDict 100318
Traditional 接著 Simplified 接着
Pinyin jie1 zhe5
English to catch and hold on ; to continue ; to go on to do sth ; to follow ; to carry on ; then ; after that ; subsequently ; to proceed ; to ensue ; in turn ; in one's turn

CEDict 100318
Traditional 方才 Simplified 方才
Pinyin fang1 cai2
English just now ; then

CEDict 100318
Traditional 此際 Simplified 此际
Pinyin ci3 ji4
English then ; as a result

CEDict 100318
Traditional 然則 Simplified 然则
Pinyin ran2 ze2
English that being the case ; then ; in that case

CEDict 100318
Traditional 然後 Simplified 然后
Pinyin ran2 hou4
English after ; then ( afterwards ) ; after that ; afterwards

CEDict 100318
Traditional 當年 Simplified 当年
Pinyin dang1 nian2
English in those days ; then ; in those years ; during that time

CEDict 100318
Traditional 當時 Simplified 当时
Pinyin dang1 shi2
English then ; at that time ; while

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ji4
English to continue ; to follow after ; to go on with ; to succeed ; to inherit ; then ; afterwards

CEDict 100318
Traditional 繼而 Simplified 继而
Pinyin ji4 er2
English then ; afterwards

CEDict 100318
Traditional 而後 Simplified 而后
Pinyin er2 hou4
English after that ; then

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yu4
English ( arch . introductory particle ) ; then ; and then

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhe2
English then ; at once ; always ; ( archaic ) luggage rack on a chariot

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sui4
English to satisfy ; to succeed ; then ; thereupon ; finally ; unexpectedly

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin na4
English that ; those ; then ( in that case ) ; commonly pr . nei4 before a classifier , esp . in Beijing

CEDict 100318
Traditional 那時 Simplified 那时
Pinyin na4 shi2
English then ; at that time ; in those days

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yan1 Reading On エン Reading Kun いずく . んぞ ; ここに ; これ Reading Korean eon Reading Korean
Meaning how ; why ; then

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yuan2 Reading On エン Reading Kun ここ .に Reading Korean weon Reading Korean
Meaning lead on to ; therefore ; then

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu2 Reading On Reading Korean bu
Meaning kind of water-beetle cash ; then dollars and money generally

JMdict 200217
Reading さてさて
Translation hun helyesen ; jelen ; ugyan , ugyan! ; akkori ; aztán ; majd Translation spa bueno ; ahora ; entonces
Translation eng well ; now ; then Translation ger nun ; dann ( Ausruf der Überraschung oder wenn einen etw . beeindruckt ) Translation rus что за ; какой же

JMdict 200217
Reading じゃあ ; じゃ
Translation dut dan ; dus ; nou ( dan ) ; in dat geval ; als het zo zit ; als dat zo is ; nu goed ; okay dan ; wel ; nou ( dan ) ; welnu ; ziezo ; zo {inform . ; ter uitdrukking van de aanvang of beëindiging van een handeling} ; dag ; dááág ; de groeten ; nou tot ziens ; gegroet ; tot kijk ; tot spoedig ; tot gauw ; tot later ; doei {inform .} ; tsjuus {inform .} ; de mazzel {inform .} ; doeg {inform .} ; tabee {inform .} ; adé {inform .} ; aju {inform .} ; ajuus {inform .} ; saluut ( jes ) afscheidsgroet {inform .} {als ; gevolgd door ne ね} ; dan ; dus ; nou ( dan ) ; in dat geval ; als het zo zit ; als dat zo is ; nu goed ; okay dan ; wel ; nou ( dan ) ; welnu ; ziezo ; zo ; in ; te {inform . ; m.b.t. een plaatsaanduiding} ; qua ; inzake ; voor ( zover ) ; wat ~ betreft ; wat ~ aangaat ; als het op ~ aankomt ; waar het ~ betreft ; als het op ~ aankomt {inform .} ; afgaande op ; naar ~ te oordelen ; volgens ~ {inform .} ; bij {regen enz .} ; met ; voor {zo'n luttel bedrag enz .} {inform . ; m.b.t. beding} ; me dunkt ; dat ~ {elliptisch voor de informele uitgang ja nai n darō ka じゃないんだろうか} ; van de informele negatieve constructie ~ ja nai ~じゃ (~) ない ; blijft onvertaald} {onderdeel ; dag ; dááág ; tot ziens ; tot kijk ; doei ; tsjuus ; doeg {als afscheidsgroet ; gevolgd door ne ね} ; partikel} {…~} {voorwaardelijk ; ( tijdruimte {…~} {nadrukpartikel ; instrumentalis )} ; partikel} {…~} {voorwaardelijk ; flexiemorfeem} {predicatief ; uitdrukkend flexiemorfeem} {~…} {hoedanigheid ; flexiemorfeem} {…~} {vragend ; uitdrukkend flexiemorfeem} {ironie ; honoratief flexiemorfeem} {……て~} {licht Translation hun helyesen Translation slv no torej ; No , če je pa tako Translation spa bueno ... ; bueno , entonces ... ; combinación de las partículas 'de' y 'wa'
Translation eng be ; is ; then ; well ; so ; well then Translation ger also dann ; also ; nun ; dann Translation fre bien ; bon ; alors ; dans ce cas ; combinaison des particules « de » et « wa » ; simple copule Translation rus 1) ( см .) では【では】 ; 2) ( прост . форма связки ) だ
Crossref だ・1 ; では

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