Unicode 5.2
Character Definition follow
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu6 On HUU BU Kun YORIKATADORU TANOMU Korean PWU

Unicode 5.2
Character 沿 Definition follow a course , go along
Pinyin YAN2 YAN4 Jyutping jyun4 On EN Kun SOU Hangul Korean YEN Tang *iuɛn Viet duyên

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition follow
Pinyin XUN4 XUN2 Jyutping seon1 On SHUN JUN Kun TONAERU SHITAGAU Hangul Korean SWUN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition follow in , imitate ; rut , path
Pinyin CHAN2 ZHAN4 Jyutping cin4 On TEN Kun FUMU Hangul Korean CEN Tang djhiɛn

JMdict 100319
Reading フォロー ; フォロウ
Translation eng follow ; followup (e.g. netnews ) ; backing-up ; covering for Translation ger Folgen

JMdict 100319
Reading フォローウインド
Translation eng follow wind

JMdict 100319
Word 尾行
Reading びこう
Translation eng shadow ; tail ; follow Translation ger Beschattung ; unbemerktes Verfolgen Translation fre poursuivre ; suivre la piste ; traquer

JMdict 100319
Reading フォローパン
Translation eng follow pan

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 沿著 Simplified 沿着
Pinyin yan2 zhe5
English go along ; follow

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gui1
English comply with ; follow

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跟從 Simplified 跟从
Pinyin gen1 cong2
English follow

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跟著 Simplified 跟着
Pinyin gen1 zhe5
English follow after

CEDict 100318
Traditional 跟進 Simplified 跟进
Pinyin gen1 jin4
English follow ; follow up

CEDict 100318
Traditional 蹈常襲故 Simplified 蹈常袭故
Pinyin dao3 chang2 xi2 gu4
English follow the same old path ( idiom ); stuck in a rut ; always the same routine

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin chan2
English course of stars ; follow precedent

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yu4
English surname Yu ; follow ; in accordance with

CEDict 100318
Traditional 隨從 Simplified 随从
Pinyin sui2 cong2
English accompany ; follow ; attend ; entourage ; attendant

KanjiDic2 100402
Literal 沿
Reading Pinyin yan2 ; yan4 Reading On エン Reading Kun そ.う ; -ぞ .い Reading Korean yeon Reading Korean
Meaning run alongside ; follow along ; run along ; lie along Meaning fr longer ; suivre ; parallèle à Meaning es seguir a lo largo de ; bordear Meaning pt correr ao lado ; seguir ao longo ; beira ; estar ao longo

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ju4 ; ju1 Reading On キョ ; コ Reading Kun よ.る Reading Korean geo Reading Korean
Meaning foothold ; based on ; follow ; therefore Meaning fr point d'appui ; prise ; basé sur ; suivre ; par conséquent Meaning es autoridad ; firmeza ; depender de ; basarse en Meaning pt apoio para os pés ; baseado em ; segue ; portanto

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cong2 Reading On ジュウ ; ショウ ; ジュ Reading Kun したが .う ; したが . える ; より Reading Korean jong Reading Korean
Meaning accompany ; obey ; submit to ; comply ; follow ; secondary ; incidental ; subordinate Meaning fr accompagner ; obéir ; se soumettre à ; se conformer à ; suivre ; s'ensuivre ; secondaire ; accessoire ; subordonné Meaning es seguir ; obedecer ; doblegar Meaning pt acompanhar ; obedecer ; submeter a ; concordar ; seguir ; subordinado ; acidental ; secundário

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xun4 Reading On ジュン Reading Korean sun Reading Korean
Meaning martyrdom ; follow by resigning Meaning fr martyre ; se sacrifier ; suivre dans la mort Meaning es martirio ; sacrificio Meaning pt martírio ; sair por pedir demissão

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zun1 Reading On ジュン Reading Korean jun Reading Korean
Meaning abide by ; follow ; obey ; learn Meaning fr se conformer ; suivre ; obéir ; apprendre Meaning es atenerse a ; seguir ; obedecer Meaning pt aceitar e executar ; seguir ; obedecer ; aprender

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin sui2 Reading On ズイ Reading Kun まにま .に ; したが .う Reading Korean su Reading Korean
Meaning follow ; though ; notwithstanding ; while ; during ; both ; all ; obey ; submit to ; comply ; at the mercy of ( the waves ) Meaning fr suivre ; quoique ; néanmoins ; pendant ; les deux ; tout ; obéir ; se soumettre à ; se conformer à ; à la merci ( des vagues ) Meaning es seguir ; acompañar ; complacer ; sin embargo ; a pesar de todo Meaning pt seguir ; embora ; não obstante ; enquanto ; durante ; ambos ; obedecer ; submeter-se ; concordar ; ao sabor ( das ondas )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ze2 Reading On ソク Reading Kun のっと .る Nanori のり Reading Korean jeug ; chig ; cheug Reading Korean ; ;
Meaning rule ; follow ; based on ; model after Meaning fr règlement ; règle ; suivre ; norme ; loi ( science , nature ) Meaning es regla ; norma ; ley ; decisión Meaning pt regra ; seguir ; basear em ; ter como modelo

KanjiDic2 100402
Literal 辿
Reading Pinyin chan1 Reading On テン Reading Kun たど .る ; たどり Reading Korean cheon Reading Korean
Meaning follow ( road ) ; pursue

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhui1 Reading On ツイ Reading Kun お.う Nanori おい Reading Korean chu ; toe Reading Korean ;
Meaning chase ; drive away ; follow ; pursue ; meanwhile Meaning fr pourchasser ; chasser ; suivre ; poursuivre ; pendant ce temps suivre ) Meaning es perseguir ; ahuyentar ; expulsar ; desterrar ; despedir Meaning pt caçar ; afastar ; seguir ; perseguir ; umquanto isso

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chan2 Reading On テン ; デン Reading Kun まつ . わる ; まと .う ; まと . める ; まと . まる ; まと .い Reading Korean jeon Reading Korean
Meaning wear ; wrap ; tie ; follow around ; collect

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yun2 Reading On デン ; テン Reading Kun つた . わる ; つた . える ; つた .う ; つだ .う ; -づた .い ; つて Nanori つたえ Reading Korean jeon Reading Korean
Meaning transmit ; go along ; walk along ; follow ; report ; communicate ; legend ; tradition Meaning fr transmettre ; côtoyer ; suivre ; rapporter ; communiquer ; légende ; tradition Meaning es transmitir ; tradición ; ser transmitido ; comunicar ; seguir Meaning pt transmitir ; progredir ; andar ao longo ; seguir ; relatório ; comunicar ; lenda ; tradição

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin pei2 Reading On バイ Reading Korean bae Reading Korean
Meaning obeisance ; follow ; accompany ; attend on Meaning fr respect ; suivre ; accompagner ; assister Meaning es seguir ; acompañar ; seguidor ; compañero Meaning pt cortesia ; seguir ; acompanhar ; atender

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ya4 ; ya3 Reading On Reading Kun つ.ぐ Reading Korean a Reading Korean
Meaning rank ; follow

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xiao4 Reading On コウ Reading Kun なら .う Reading Korean hyo Reading Korean
Meaning imitate ; follow ; emulate

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin he2 Reading On Reading Korean hwa Reading Korean
Meaning follow ; childless

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xun4 ; xun2 Reading On ジュン ; シュン Reading Kun あまねし ; したが .う ; とな . える Reading Korean sun Reading Korean
Meaning herald ; announce ; follow ; obey ; seek ; lay down one's life

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chan2 Reading On テン Reading Kun まつ . わる ; まと .う ; まと . める ; まと . まる Reading Korean jeon Reading Korean
Meaning wear ; wrap ; tie ; follow around ; collect

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yu4 Reading On イチ ; イツ Reading Kun ふで ; ここに Reading Korean yul Reading Korean
Meaning brush ; finally ; self ; relate ; follow ; here ; fast ; writing brush radical ( no . 129 )

JMdict 100319
Word 追随
Reading ついずい
Translation eng follow Translation ger Verfolgung Translation fre suivre/imiter

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chen4 Reading On チン Reading Kun お.う Reading Korean jin ; jeon Reading Korean ;
Meaning go to ; follow

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hu4 Reading On Reading Kun したが .う Reading Korean ho Reading Korean
Meaning follow

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hui4 Reading On ケイ ; エ Reading Kun いつく . しむ
Meaning follow obediently ; blessing ; favour

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin huan2 Reading On シュン Reading Kun あまね .し ; したが .う ; とな . える Reading Korean sun
Meaning follow

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gan3 Reading On カン Reading Kun お.う
Meaning pursue ; follow ; expel ; drive away

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition follow
Pinyin Jyutping fu6 On FUU BU Kun YORIKATADORU TANOMU Korean PWU

Unicode 12.1
Character 沿 Definition follow a course , go along
Pinyin yán Jyutping jyun4 On EN Kun SOU Hangul : 0E Korean YEN Tang *iuɛn Viet duyên

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition follow
Pinyin xùn Jyutping seon1 On SHUN JUN Kun TONAERU SHITAGAU Hangul :1 Korean SWUN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition follow in , imitate ; rut , path
Pinyin chán Jyutping cin4 On TEN Kun FUMU Hangul : 1N Korean CEN Tang djhiɛn

Reading フォローウインド ; フォロー・ウインド
Source Language eng follow wind Translation eng following wind ; tailwind Translation ger Rückenwind

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cong2 Reading On ジュウ ; ショウ ; ジュ Reading Kun したが .う ; したが . える ; より Reading Korean jong Reading Korean
Meaning accompany ; obey ; submit to ; comply ; follow ; secondary ; incidental ; subordinate Meaning fr accompagner ; obéir ; se soumettre à ; se conformer à ; suivre ; s'ensuivre ; secondaire ; accessoire ; subordonné Meaning es seguir ; obedecer ; doblegar Meaning pt acompanhar ; obedecer ; submeter a ; concordar ; seguir ; subordinado ; acidental ; secundário

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