Unicode 5.2
Character Definition down
Pinyin RONG3 Jyutping jung5 On JUU NYU Kun MUKUGE

JMdict 100319
Reading ダウン
Translation eng down ( feathers ) ; down ( opposite of up ) ; becoming lower ; down (e.g. with a cold ) and unable to continue ( work ) ; not running (e.g. of servers ) ; download ; downstream Translation ger Daunen ; Flaum Translation fre ( mettre ) à terre ; down

JMdict 100319
Reading ブルー
Translation eng blue ( colour , color ) ; sad ; down ( in the dumps ) Translation ger Blau Translation rus си́ний ; голубо́й ( en : blue )

JMdict 100319
Word 羽毛
Reading うもう
Translation eng feathers ; plumage ; down Translation ger Feder ; Gefieder ; Flaum ; Daunen Translation fre plumage ; plumes

JMdict 100319
Word 気が重い
Reading きがおもい
Translation eng depressed ; bummed out ; down ; heavy-hearted ; heavy-spirited Translation ger etw . fällt einem schwer

JMdict 100319
Word 頭金
Reading あたまきん
Translation eng down payment ; deposit Translation ger Anzahlung

JMdict 100319
Word 羽布団 ; 羽蒲団 ; 羽根蒲団
Reading はねぶとん
Translation eng down ( feather ) quilt Translation ger Federsteppdecke

JMdict 100319
Word 綿毛
Reading わたげ ; めんもう
Translation eng down ; fuzz ; fluff Translation ger Flaum ; Daune

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 下り便
Reading くだりびん
Translation eng down train ; outbound train

JMdict 100319
Word 下に
Reading しもに
Translation eng down ; below ; downward

JMdict 100319
Reading ワンダン
Translation eng down one out ; one down

JMdict 100319
Word 契約金
Reading けいやくきん
Translation eng down payment ; contract money Translation ger Anzahlung

JMdict 100319
Reading ダウンタイム
Translation eng down time ; downtime

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 綿羽
Reading わたばね ; めんう
Translation eng plumule ; down feather

JMdict 100319
Reading ダウンストリーム
Translation eng down stream

JMdict 100319
Word ダウン時間
Reading ダウンじかん
Translation eng down time

JMdict 100319
Word 軟毛
Reading なんもう
Translation eng vellus hair ; down ; pubescence ; peach fuzz
Crossref 産毛 ; 発育した髪

JMdict 100319
Reading ダウンスイング
Translation eng down swing

JMnedict 100319
Reading ダウン Romaji Daun ; Down

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xia4
English down ; downwards ; below ; lower ; later ; next ( week etc ) ; second ( of two parts ) ; to decline ; to go down

CEDict 100318
Traditional 下夸克 Simplified 下夸克
Pinyin xia4 kua1 ke4
English down quark ( physics )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 下行 Simplified 下行
Pinyin xia4 xing2
English down train (i.e. away from the capital )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 以至 Simplified 以至
Pinyin yi3 zhi4
English down to ; up to ; to such an extent as to ... ( also written 以至於 | 以至于 [ yi3 zhi4 yu2 ])

CEDict 100318
Traditional 以至于 Simplified 以至于
Pinyin yi3 zhi4 yu2
English down to ; up to ; to the extent that ...

CEDict 100318
Traditional 以致 Simplified 以致
Pinyin yi3 zhi4
English to such an extent as to ; down to ; up to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 入微 Simplified 入微
Pinyin ru4 wei1
English down to the smallest detail ; thorough-going ; fine and detailed

CEDict 100318
Traditional 向下 Simplified 向下
Pinyin xiang4 xia4
English down ; downward

CEDict 100318
Traditional 打倒 Simplified 打倒
Pinyin da3 dao3
English to overthrow ; to knock down ; Down with ... !

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin mao2
English hair ; feather ; down ; wool ; mildew ; mold ; coarse or semifinished ; young ; raw ; careless ; unthinking ; nervous ; scared ; ( of currency ) to devalue or depreciate ; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = | [ jiao3 ] , = 1 ; 10 yuan or 10 fen | [ fen1 ])

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin rong2
English down ; felt

CEDict 100318
Traditional 毫毛 Simplified 毫毛
Pinyin hao2 mao2
English hair ; soft hair ; down

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin rong3
English down or fine hair

CEDict 100318
Traditional 汗毛 Simplified 汗毛
Pinyin han4 mao2
English hair ; soft hair ; down

CEDict 100318
Traditional 絨毛 Simplified 绒毛
Pinyin rong2 mao2
English fur ; down ( soft fur ) ; villi capillary ( in the small intestine )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 絲綿 Simplified 丝绵
Pinyin si1 mian2
English silk floss ; down

CEDict 100318
Traditional 羽絨 Simplified 羽绒
Pinyin yu3 rong2
English down ( soft feathers )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 落托 Simplified 落托
Pinyin luo4 tuo1
English down and out ; in dire straits ; unrestrained ; unconventional

CEDict 100318
Traditional 落拓 Simplified 落拓
Pinyin luo4 tuo4
English down and out ; in dire straits ; unrestrained ; unconventional

CEDict 100318
Traditional 落泊 Simplified 落泊
Pinyin luo4 bo2
English down and out ; in dire straits ; unrestrained ; unconventional

CEDict 100318
Traditional 落魄 Simplified 落魄
Pinyin luo4 po4
English down and out ; in dire straits ; unrestrained ; unconventional ; also pr .[ luo4 tuo4 ]

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xia4 Reading On カ ; ゲ Reading Kun した ; しも ; もと ; さ. げる ; さ. がる ; くだ .る ; くだ .り ; くだ .す ; -くだ .す ; くだ . さる ; お. ろす ; お. りる Nanori さか ; しと Reading Korean ha Reading Korean
Meaning below ; down ; descend ; give ; low ; inferior Meaning fr au-dessous ; descendre ; bas ; donner ( vous me donnez ) ; inférieur Meaning es debajo ; inferior ; debajo de ; parte inferior Meaning pt baixo ; abaixo ; descende ; inferior ; sub ; sob

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mao2 Reading On モウ Reading Kun Nanori めん ; も Reading Korean mo Reading Korean
Meaning fur ; hair ; feather ; down Meaning fr pilosité ; pelage ; cheveux ; plumage ; duvet Meaning es pelaje ; vello ; pluma ; cultivo ; producción Meaning pt peles ; cabelo ; pena ; abaixo

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