Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with purpose ; with ambition ; with the determination and courage to get ahead
Pinyin JI2 YI4 Jyutping gaat1 kaau1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with a big mouth , great ; big ; vast
Pinyin QIE2 XIE2 Jyutping ce4 wu1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with great power ; vigorous ; very strong ; with great force , ( same as ) a frontier ; a boundary ; region , great ; big ; vast
Pinyin XU4 YU4 Jyutping wik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with a charming sprightly carriage ( said of a woman )
Pinyin RAN3 Jyutping zim5

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with heavy eyelids
Jyutping tou1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with big eyes
Jyutping goi1 hai4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with one eye closed , to close the eyes ; ( same as U+77B8 ) to look askance at ; ( Cant .) to close the eyes
Pinyin SHE2 Jyutping hip3 sip3 sit3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with a symmetric well-formed ; upright ; respectable ; proper carriage
Pinyin QIN3 YIN3 ZHEN3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with a high skull , dried meat strips
Pinyin AN4 QI4 Jyutping zaap1

JMdict 100319
Reading かちっと
Translation eng with a click ( door sound ) ; with tenseness or firmness

JMdict 100319
Reading ガーッ ; がーっ
Translation eng with a grinding noise

JMdict 100319
Reading がちゃりと
Translation eng with a clank

JMdict 100319
Reading これで
Translation eng here ; with this Translation ger damit ; hiermit

JMdict 100319
Reading ざぶんと
Translation eng with a splash Translation ger platsch! ; plumps!

JMdict 100319
Reading するり
Translation eng with a smooth , unhindered motion ; speedily and without delay Translation ger flutschend ; gleitend

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Translation eng if ; when ; and ; with ; particle used for quoting ( with speech , thoughts , etc .) ; promoted pawn ( shogi ) Translation ger Hecke ; Zaun ; in der Wendung "to ni anzuru" : friedlich leben ; ruhig leben ; erleichtert sein
Crossref と金

JMdict 100319
Word 何れ
Reading どれ
Translation eng which ( of three or more ) ; well ; now ; let me see ; whichever ; any Translation fre bien ; lequel ( d'un groupe d'au moins trois ) ; maintenant ; voyons Translation rus кото́рый ; како́й
Crossref どれどれ ; どれも ; 彼・あれ ; 此れ ; 其れ

JMdict 100319
Word に於ける
Reading における
Translation eng in ; at ; on ; as for ; regarding ; with regards to Translation rus в

JMdict 100319
Word に対する
Reading にたいする
Translation eng regarding ; in ; to ; towards ; with regards to
Crossref に対して

JMdict 100319
Reading ぱちっ
Translation eng snapping (e.g. fingers ) sound ; with a pop

JMdict 100319
Reading ひょいと
Translation eng by chance ; suddenly ; accidentally ; with agility Translation ger plötzlich ; zufällig ; mit Leichtigkeit

JMdict 100319
Reading ぴくり
Translation eng with a twitch (e.g. an eyebrow ) ; with a dip ; with a bob ; with a flutter
Crossref ぴくっと

JMdict 100319
Reading ぴしっ
Translation eng with a crack ; with a snap ; slam (a door ) ; stretch ( one's spine ) Translation ger fester Schlag ; fest verklemmt ; genau passend ; ganz exakt

JMdict 100319
Reading ぼちゃんと
Translation eng with a splash Translation ger platschend ; mit einem Platsch

JMdict 100319
Reading よちよち
Translation eng totteringly ; with tottering steps Translation ger wacklig Translation fre chancelant ; pas incertain

JMdict 100319
Word 以て ; 以って
Reading もって
Translation eng with ; by ; by means of ; because ; in view of Translation ger mit ; durch ; mittels ; mit ; ab von ; wegen ; durch ; infolge ; weil ; da Translation fre étant donné que ; du fait que ; parceque ; au moyen de ; avec

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 異口同音
Reading いくどうおん
Translation eng in concert ; with one voice ; unanimously Translation ger Einstimmigkeit

JMdict 100319
Word 喜んで ; 悦んで
Reading よろこんで
Translation eng with pleasure ... Translation ger freudig ; vor Freude ; mit Freuden ; gerne

JMdict 100319
Word 毅然として
Reading きぜんとして
Translation eng with resolution Translation ger standhaft ; fest ; entschlossen ; unerschrocken

JMdict 100319
Translation eng ceremony ; matter ; affair ; with regard to ( used after a person's name , a personal pronoun , etc . in epistolary style ) ; as for ; as concerns Translation ger Regel ; Zeremonie ; Angelegenheit ; Fall ; Sache

JMdict 100319
Word 共に
Reading ともに
Translation eng sharing with ; participate in ; both ; alike ; together ; along with ; with ; including Translation ger mit ; zusammen mit ; beide ; sowohl ... als auch ... ; beide ; zugleich ; während Translation fre à mesure que ; en même temps ; ensemble Translation rus вме́сте

JMdict 100319
Word 謹呈
Reading きんてい
Translation eng with the author's compliments Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; "Ergebenst überreicht vom Verfasser" Translation fre "avec les compliments de l'auteur" ; hommage de l'auteur

JMdict 100319
Word 互いに
Reading たがいに
Translation eng mutually ; with each other ; reciprocally ; together Translation ger gegeneinander ; einander Translation fre ensemble ; mutellement ; réciproquement
Crossref お互いに

JMdict 100319

Records 1 - 50 of 980 retrieved in 1690 ms