Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) to call out ; to make an uproar
Pinyin ZE2 ZEI2 Jyutping zaak3 Viet hợt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition common people ; people in ordinary feature or countenance , to walk , to go in a hurry
Pinyin ZE2 ZUO4 Jyutping zak3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to beat ; to strike ; to attach
Pinyin CHE3 LE4 ZHEN4 Jyutping ze2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a bank of earth or an embankment to block the current of the water , to stop ( or block ) up the flowing water
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zaak3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a place ( usually to be used in naming a place ) ( interchangeable ) small piece of coal
Pinyin ZE2 ZHA4 Jyutping zaa3 zak3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the water plantain
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zaak6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical and abbreviated form of ) ( same as ) the cuttlefish ; the inkfish
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping caak6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition upper and lower teeth in order and corresponding each other , to gnaw ; to bite
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zak3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rule , law , regulation ; grades
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zak1
Traditional U+5247

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rule , law , regulation ; grades
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zak1 On SOKU Kun NORI NOTTORU SUNAWACHI Hangul Korean CHIK CHUK Tang tzək Viet tắc
Simplified U+5219

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition interjection of approval or admiration
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zaak3 zik1
Traditional U+5616

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition interjection of approval or admiration
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zaak3 zik1 On SAKU Kun SAKEBU Hangul Korean CHAYK
Simplified U+5567

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition elder sister
Pinyin ZI3 Jyutping ze2 zi2 On SHI Kun ANE HAHA Tang tzǐ Viet chị
Variant U+59C9

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition elder sister , young lady
Pinyin JIE3 Jyutping ze2 On SO SHA Kun ANE ANEGO Hangul Korean CE Viet thư

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lofty
Pinyin ZE2 ZE4 Jyutping zak1 On SHOKU JIKI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition turban ; conical cap
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zik1
Traditional U+5E58

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition turban ; conical cap
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zik1 On SAKU SHAKU Kun ZUKIN Hangul Korean CHAYK Tang jrɛk
Simplified U+5E3B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition select , choose , pick out
Pinyin ZE2 On TAKU Kun ERABU Korean THAYK
Variant U+64C7

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition select , choose , pick out
Pinyin ZE2 ZHAI2 Jyutping zaak6
Traditional U+64C7

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZE2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition select , choose , pick out
Pinyin ZE2 ZHAI2 Jyutping zaak6 On TAKU EKI Kun ERABU YABURERU Hangul Korean THAYK Tang djhæk Viet trạch
Simplified U+62E9 Variant U+629E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition marsh , swamp ; grace , brilliance
Variant U+6FA4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition marsh , swamp ; grace , brilliance
Pinyin ZE2 DUO2 SHI4 YI4 Jyutping zaak6
Traditional U+6FA4

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition marsh , swamp ; grace , brilliance ; damp , moist ; fertile
Pinyin ZE2 DUO2 SHI4 YI4 Jyutping zaak6 On TAKU Kun SAWA Hangul Korean THAYK SEK Tang *djhæk Viet rạch
Simplified U+6CFD Variant U+6CA2

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition boards which support tiles on roof
Pinyin ZE2 ZUO2 ZHA4 Jyutping zaak3 zaak6 zok6 On SAKU SHAKU ZAKU Kun SEMAI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bed mat ; mat
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zaak3
Traditional U+7C00

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bed mat ; mat
Pinyin ZE2 ZHAI4 Jyutping zaak3 On SAKU Kun SU Hangul Korean CHAYK
Simplified U+7BA6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition that which ; he who ; those who
Pinyin ZHE3 ZHU1 Jyutping ze2 On SHA Kun MONO Hangul Korean CA Tang *jiǎ

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZE2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zaak3 On TAKU CHAKU SAKU SHAKU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZE2 CE4
Variant U+8434

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition medicinal poison plant
Pinyin ZE2 CE4 Jyutping zak1

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping caak6

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zaak6

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZE2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZE2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition one's responsibility , duty
Pinyin ZE2 ZHAI4 Jyutping zaak3 On SEKI SAI Kun SEMERU SEME Hangul Korean CHAYK CHAY Tang jrɛk Viet trách
Simplified U+8D23

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition abstruse , deep , profound
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zaak3 zak3 On SAKU JAKU Kun OKUBUKAI Korean SAYK
Simplified U+8D5C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition one's responsibility , duty
Pinyin ZE2 ZHAI4 Jyutping zaak3
Traditional U+8CAC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition abstruse , deep , profound
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zak3
Traditional U+8CFE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition reddish brown ; hematite ; ochre
Pinyin ZHE3 Jyutping ze2 On SHA Kun AKATSUCHI AKA Hangul Korean CA Tang jiǎ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to rise ; contracted ; cramped
Pinyin ZE2 ZUO4 Jyutping zaak3 On SAKU SHAKU Kun TATSU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition this , the , here
Pinyin ZHE4 ZHEI4 YAN4 Jyutping ze2 ze3 ze5 On GEN SHA Kun HAU HAI MUKAERU Hangul Korean CE EN
Simplified U+8FD9

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition germanium ; metal flashing on the axle of a cart
Pinyin ZHE3 DUO3 DU3 Jyutping ze2 On TA Kun MAKIGANE Viet chá
Simplified U+9517

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition germanium
Pinyin DUO3 ZHE3 Jyutping ze2
Traditional U+937A

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