Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to heat ; to roast ; to burn
Pinyin XI1
Cangjie Input Code FORM

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition form
Pinyin XING2 Jyutping jing4 On KEI KYAU Kun NARU Korean HYENG

Reading アイブローシェープ
Translation eng eyebrow shape Translation ger Form der Augenbrauen

JMdict 100319
Reading コンディション
Translation eng condition Translation ger Kondition ; Form ; Zustand ; Verfassung

JMdict 100319
Reading フォーム
Translation eng foam ; form Translation ger Schaum

JMdict 100319
Reading フォーラム
Translation eng forum Translation ger Form ; öffentlicher Treffpunkt ; Forumsdiskussion ; ( Abk .) Translation rus форум

JMdict 100319
Reading かた ; がた
Translation eng model ; type (e.g. of machine , goods , etc .) ; type ; style ; pattern ; mold ( mould ) ; template ; model ; kata ( standard form of a movement , posture , etc . in martial arts , sport , etc .) ; form (i.e. customary procedure ) ; size (i.e. clothing , shoes ) ; ( taxonomical ) form Translation ger Modell ; Typ ; Stil ; Form ; Format Translation fre empreinte ; forme ; modèle ; moule ; type de données Translation rus тип ; форма
Crossref 朝型 ; 品種

JMdict 100319
Word 形象
Reading けいしょう
Translation eng shape ; figure ; image Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Bild ; Figur ; Form ; Phänomen

JMdict 100319
Word 形状
Reading けいじょう
Translation eng shape ; form Translation ger Form ; Gestalt ; Figur

JMdict 100319
Word 姿
Reading すがた
Translation eng figure ; shape ; appearance Translation ger Gestalt ; Form ; Statur ; Figur ; Körperhaltung ; Erscheinung ; Pose ; Positur ; Aussehen ; Kleidung ; Aufmachung ; Aspekt ; Zustand Translation fre apparence ; aspect ; forme Translation rus внешний вид ; форма ; облик

JMdict 100319
Word 姿態
Reading したい
Translation eng figure ; form ; style Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Gestalt ; Erscheinung ; Figur ; Haltung Translation fre forme ; genre ; silhouette ; style

JMdict 100319
Word 字体
Reading じたい
Translation eng type ; font ; lettering Translation ger Schriftart ; (z.B. Kaisho ; Gyôsho und Sôsho ) ; Type ; Schriftfont ; (z.B. Minchô und Goshikku ) ; Form eines Zeichens ; Glyphe eines Zeichens Translation fre façon de former les lettres ; type d'écriture Translation rus (1) шрифт ; печа́ть ; (2) вид зна́ка

JMdict 100319
Reading たい
Translation eng body ; physique ; posture ; shape ; form ; style ; substance ; identity ; reality ; field ; counter for humanoid forms (e.g. dolls , statues , corpses , etc .) Translation ger Körper ; Form ; Substanz ; Wesen ; Kern Translation rus (1) те́ло ; (2) фо́рма ; стиль ( языка )

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading てい
Translation eng appearance ; air ; condition ; state ; form Translation ger Aussehen ; Form ; Gestalt ; Anschein ; Einstellung ; Stellung ; Haltung ; Verhalten Translation rus вне́шний вид ; состоя́ние

JMdict 100319
Word 体形
Reading たいけい
Translation eng form ; figure Translation ger Form ; Gestalt ; Figur ; Körpergestalt

JMdict 100319
Word 体裁
Reading ていさい
Translation eng decency ; style ; form ; appearance ; show ; get-up ; format Translation ger Aussehen ; Anschein ; Äußeres ; äußere Erscheinung ; Form ; Gestalt ; Typus ; Typ ; Format Translation fre ( se donner des ) airs ; apparence ; décence ( vêtement ) ; forme ; style ; tenue Translation rus (1) вне́шний вид ; нару́жность ; (2) прили́чие

JMdict 100319
Word 体裁上
Reading ていさいじょう
Translation eng for appearance' sake Translation ger Form halber

JMdict 100319
Word 殿
Reading どの
Translation eng form of address used for official letters and business letters , and in letters to inferiors ; Mr Translation fre monseigneur

JMdict 100319
Word 軟式
Reading なんしき
Translation eng ( tennis ) played with a soft ball Translation ger Form mit einem weichen Ball

JMdict 100319
Word 8の字 ; 八の字
Reading はちのじ
Translation eng figure eight ; figure of eight ; shape of "hachi" , the kanji for eight Translation ger Form einer Acht ; Acht ; Achter

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 方式
Reading ほうしき
Translation eng form ; method ; system ; formula Translation ger Form ; Formel ; Methode ; System ; Norm ; Stil Translation fre forme ; méthode ; système Translation rus фо́рма ; фо́рмула ; ме́тод ; систе́ма

JMdict 100319
Word 名実
Reading めいじつ
Translation eng in name and in reality ; nominally and virtually ; form and contents Translation ger Name und Wirklichkeit ; Ruf und Realität

JMdict 100319
Word 目鼻
Reading めはな
Translation eng shape ; form Translation ger Augen und Nase

JMdict 100319
Reading さま
Translation eng Mr , Mrs or Ms ; used ( gen . in fixed expressions ) to make words more polite ; manner ; kind ; appearance Translation ger Form ; Zustand ; Situation ; Lage ; Umstand Translation fre M. ou Mme ; apparence ; manière ; sorte
Crossref お粗末さまでした

JMdict 100319
Word 様式
Reading ようしき
Translation eng style ; form ; pattern Translation ger Muster ; Stil ; Form ; Stil ; Modus Translation fre forme ; modèle ; style Translation rus фо́рма ; стиль ; ( арх .) ордер ; (2) о́браз ( жизни )

JMdict 100319
Word 様態
Reading ようたい
Translation eng form ; situation ; condition Translation ger Zustand ; Situation ; Form ; Aussehen ; Anblick

JMdict 100319
Word 躾方
Reading しつけかた
Translation eng way of training Translation ger Form der Erziehung ; Weg des Trainings

JMdict 100319
Word 格好 ; 恰好
Reading かっこう ; カッコ
Translation eng shape ; form ; posture ; appearance ; manner ; suitability ; moderateness ( in price ) Translation ger Form ; Gestalt ; Figur ; Haltung ; Körperbau ; Wuchs ; Aussehen ; Angepasstheit Translation fre adapté ; allure ; apparence ; approprié

JMdict 100319
Word 佇い ; 佇まい
Reading たたずまい
Translation eng appearance ; shape ; figure ; bearing Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Aussehen ; Form

JMdict 100319
Word 山積
Reading さんせき
Translation eng lying in piles ; form into piles ; forming a ( huge ) pile Translation ger Haufen wie ein Berg ; Anhäufen zu einem Berg Translation fre formant un ( gros ) tas ; former un tas ; monceau

JMdict 100319
Word 帆影
Reading ほかげ
Translation eng sight of a sail Translation ger Form eines Segels in der Ferne

JMdict 100319
Word 口付き
Reading くちつき ; くちづき
Translation eng ( in the shape of a) mouth ; mouthpiece ( of a cigarette ) ; manner of speech Translation ger Mund ; Form des Mundes ; Redeweise ; Zigarette mit Mundstück

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 物影
Reading ものかげ
Translation eng form ; shape ; figure Translation ger Form ; Gestalt

JMdict 100319
Word 法式
Reading ほうしき
Translation eng rule ; rite Translation ger Form ; Methode ; Stil ; Modus ; Verfahren

JMdict 100319
Word 形が崩れる
Reading かたがくずれる
Translation eng to get out of shape ; to lose shape Translation ger Form verlieren ; aus der Form gehen

JMdict 100319
Word 行体
Reading ぎょうたい
Translation eng semicursive characters Translation ger halbkursive Schreibweise ; Aussehen ; Form ; Gestalt

JMdict 100319
Word 翼状
Reading よくじょう
Translation eng wing shape Translation ger Flügelform ; Form eines Flügels

JMdict 100319
Word 杖術
Reading じょうじゅつ
Translation eng form of martial art using a cane staff
Crossref 杖道

JMdict 100319
Word 杖道
Reading じょうどう
Translation eng form of martial art using a cane staff
Crossref 杖術

JMdict 100319

Records 1 - 50 of 318 retrieved in 1954 ms