Unicode 5.2
Character 𧃍
Cangjie Input Code TYPE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of oak ; stable

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of oak ; stable
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik1
Traditional U+6AEA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of willow ; tamarisk
Pinyin JUE2 CHENG1 Jyutping cing1
Traditional U+6A89

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of oak ; stable
Kun TOCHI Hangul Korean HOY

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of birch
Pinyin HUA4 Jyutping waa6
Traditional U+6A3A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of birch

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of elm
Pinyin JU3 Jyutping geoi2
Traditional U+6AF8

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of yew
Pinyin FEI3 Jyutping fei2 On HI Kun KAYA Hangul Korean PI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of oak
Pinyin HU2 Jyutping huk6 On KOKU Kun KASHIWA Hangul Korean KOK

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of birch
Pinyin HUA4 Jyutping waa4 waa6 On KA Kun KABA Hangul Korean HWA
Simplified U+6866

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of willow ; tamarisk
Pinyin CHENG1 Jyutping cing1 On TEI CHOU Kun KAWARAYANAGI Hangul Korean CENG
Simplified U+67FD

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of locust oracacia
Pinyin MENG2 Jyutping mung1 mung4 On BOU MO Viet quạt muồng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of oak ; stable
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik1 On REKI Kun KAIBAOKE KUNUGI Hangul Korean LYEK Tang lek
Simplified U+67A5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of elm
Pinyin JU3 Jyutping geoi2
Simplified U+6989

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of jade ; rare , valuable
Pinyin WEI3 Jyutping wai4
Traditional U+744B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of jade ; pearl
Pinyin CHENG2 On SEI JOU Kun TAMA Hangul Korean SENG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of pearl ; scabbard
Pinyin PIN2 BING3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of jade
Pinyin QI2 Jyutping kei4 On KI GI Kun TAMA Hangul Korean KI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of jade ; rare , valuable
Pinyin WEI3 Jyutping wai4 wai5 On I Hangul Korean WI
Simplified U+73AE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of grass used in divination ; to divine ; pincers
Pinyin CE4 JIA1 Jyutping caak3 gaap3 On KYOU SAKU Kun MEDOGI
Simplified U+41F2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of creeping plant ; turnip
Pinyin LUO2 Jyutping lo4
Traditional U+863F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of grain , Polygala japonica
Pinyin YAO1 Jyutping jiu1 On YOU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of rush ; vine
Pinyin PU2 BO2 Jyutping pou4 On HO BU Kun GAMA KAMA Hangul Korean PHO Tang *bho Viet bồ
Variant U+8386

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of raspberry ; fairyland
Pinyin PENG2 PENG4 Jyutping fung4 pung4 On HOU Kun YOMOGI Hangul Korean PONG Tang *bhung Viet bồng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of edible mushroom
Pinyin MO2 Jyutping mo4 On MA Kun HIRATAKE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of creeping plant ; turnip
Pinyin LUO2 Jyutping lo4 On RA Kun TSUTA Hangul Korean LA Tang *lɑ Viet
Simplified U+841D Variant U+F910

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of earthworm
Pinyin SHAN4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of caldron with three hollow legs ; name of a state ; KangXi radical number 193
Pinyin LI4 GE2 E4 Jyutping gaak3 lik6 On REKI KAKU Kun KANAE Hangul Korean KYEK

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of creeping plant ; turnip
Hangul Korean NA
Variant U+863F Variant U+863F

JMdict 100319
Reading おけさ
Translation eng type of traditional vocal music

JMdict 100319
Reading タイプ
Translation eng type ; kind ; sort ; style ; typewriter ; typing Translation ger Typ ; Schreibmaschine ; ( Abk .) Translation fre genre ; taper à la machine ; type
Crossref タイプライター

JMdict 100319
Reading チクチク ; ちくちく
Translation eng type of prickling pain ; prick ; prickle

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading フォント
Translation eng font Translation ger {EDV} Font ; Type ; Zeichensatz Translation rus шрифт

JMdict 100319
Reading ヘルス
Translation eng health ; type of massage parlor ( parlour ) Translation ger Gesundheit ; Gesundheits ...

JMdict 100319
Reading ボーロ
Translation eng type of cake Translation ger {Konditoreiw .} Bolo ; portugiesische Kekse Source Language por bolo

JMdict 100319
Word 火鉢
Reading ひばち
Translation eng brazier Translation ger Hibachi ; (n.) ; Kohlebecken Translation fre brasero ; type ancien de foyer à charbon japonais Translation rus жаро́вня

JMdict 100319
Word 外郎
Reading ういろう
Translation eng type of sweet made from rice-powder Translation ger Uirô ; ( S@ßigkeit aus Reismehl und braunem Zucker )

JMdict 100319
Word 活字
Reading かつじ
Translation eng printing type Translation ger {Druckw .} Drucktype ; Type ; Letter ; Schrift ; Druckbuchstabe Translation fre caractères d'imprimerie

JMdict 100319
Word 活字体
Reading かつじたい
Translation eng typeface Translation ger {Druckw .} Drucktype ; Type

JMdict 100319
Word 褐毛和種
Reading あかげわしゅ
Translation eng type of Japanese cow Translation ger {Zool .} braune japanische Kuh

JMdict 100319
Word 機種
Reading きしゅ
Translation eng type of equipment ; model Translation ger Typ ; Art ; ( einer Maschine , eines Flugzeuges , eines Computers )

Records 1 - 50 of 689 retrieved in 1056 ms