JMdict 100319
Reading たい
Translation eng opposite ; opposition ; versus ; vs ; to (i.e. "we won the game five to three" ) ; equal footing ; equal terms ; against ... ; anti- ; toward ... ; to ... Translation ger Paar Translation fre contre ; opposition Translation rus против ; по отношению

JMdict 100319
Word 朝方
Reading あさがた
Translation eng early morning ; early hours ; toward morning Translation ger Frühe ; frühe Morgen

JMdict 100319
Word 日暮れに
Reading ひぐれに
Translation eng toward the evening Translation ger gegen Abend ; bei Einbruch der Dämmerung ; sowie es dunkel wird Translation rus к ве́черу

JMdict 100319
Word 晩方
Reading ばんがた
Translation eng toward evening Translation ger früher Abend Translation rus к ве́черу

JMdict 100319
Reading ころ ; ごろ
Translation eng ( approximate ) time ; around ; about ; toward ; suitable time ( or condition ) ; time of year ; season Translation ger um die Zeit , zu der ... Translation fre aux alentours de ( heure ) ; environ Translation rus вре́мя ; пери́од
Crossref 食べ頃

JMdict 100319
Word 対米
Reading たいべい
Translation eng relating to the USA ; toward America ; with America Translation ger gegenüber den USA

JMdict 100319
Word 終わり頃
Reading おわりごろ
Translation eng toward the end

CEDict 100318
Traditional 朝向 Simplified 朝向
Pinyin chao2 xiang4
English toward ; to face ; to open onto ; to turn towards ; orientation ; exposure ; Qibla ( Islam )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qing3 ; qing1 Reading On ケイ ; キョウ Reading Kun ころ ; ごろ ; しばら .く Nanori ころも Reading Korean gyeong ; gyu Reading Korean ;
Meaning time ; about ; toward Meaning fr temps ; époque ; environ ; vers Meaning es tiempo ; aproximadamente ; hacia ; sobre

JMdict 200217
Word 晩方
Reading ばんがた
Translation eng toward evening Translation ger früher Abend Translation rus под вечер , к вечеру

JMdict 200217
Word 対日
Reading たいにち
Translation dut jegens ; ten opzichte van ; t.o.v. ; aangaande ; met betrekking tot ; betreffende Japan Translation slv do Japonske , v zvezi z Japonsko {odnos , trgovanje} Translation spa con ( hacia ) Japón
Translation eng toward Japan ; with Japan Translation ger Japan… ; mit Japan ; gegenüber Japan Translation fre à l'égard du Japon ; avec le Japon ; envers le Japon Translation rus : {~{の}} по отношению к Японии ( напр . о политике ); с Японией ( напр . о торговле )

JMdict 200217
Word 終わり頃
Reading おわりごろ
Translation eng toward the end

JMdict 200217
Translation dut ni {tweeëntwintigste letter van het Japanse alfabet ; vierde letter van het iroha-gedicht} ; re {muz .} ; d ; D ; een inleidende gedachte uit} {…~} {drukt ; partikel} omdat {…~} {redengevend ; daar ; aangezien ; vermits {Belg .N.} ; partikel} hoewel {…~} {toegevend ; alhoewel ; ofschoon ; terwijl ; daar waar ; ondanks ( het feit dat ) ; niettegenstaande ( dat ) ; … maar ; … en toch ; schoon {veroud .} ; partikel} daarbij {…~} {nevenschikkend ; daarenboven ; tijdstip {…~} {duidt ; plaats van handeling aan} om ; in ; te ; op ; aan ; bij ; de plaats aan waar iets {…~} {duidt ; iem . zich bevindt of zich vertoont} in ; te ; op ; een bestemming {…~} {duidt ; richting aan} naar ; het resultaat van een handeling {…~} {duidt ; verandering aan} tot ; een doel aan} naar {…~} {duidt ; het meewerkend voorwerp aan} naar {…~} {duidt ; reden {…~} {duidt ; oorzaak of aanleiding aan} door ; wegens ; uit ; van ; een wijze {…~} {duidt ; toestand aan} ; een hoedanigheid {…~} {duidt ; positie aan} als ; in z'n hoedanigheid van ; het geïmpliceerd of logisch onderwerp van een passief {…~} {duidt ; causatief aan} ; de basis van vergelijking of verhouding aan} op {…~} {duidt ; per ; voor elk ; elke ; onderwerpspartikel} {…~は} {honoratief ; {…~…} {nadrukpartikel} ; {…~思う ; 聞く ; 見る ; 知る} {duidt een toestand ; inhoud aan} ; overdrachtelijkheid aan} {…~} {duidt ; een een wens betrokken op derde uit} {…~} {spreekt ; een lichte waarschuwing of vermaning uit} {…~} {drukt ; nevenschikking {…~} {drukt ; opsomming of groepering uit} Translation spa indica cosas tales cómo ubicación de personas u objetos , ubicación de acciones a corto plazo , etc .
Translation eng at ( place , time ) ; in ; on ; during ; to ( direction , state ) ; toward ; into ; for ( purpose ) ; because of ( reason ) ; for ; with ; by ; from ; as (i.e. in the role of ) ; per ; in ; for ; a (e.g. "once a month" ) ; and ; in addition to ; if ; although Translation ger an ; am ; um ; in ; im ; auf ; nach ; zu ; an ; über ; durch ; von
Crossref として・1

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin qing3 ; qing1 Reading On ケイ ; キョウ Reading Kun ころ ; ごろ ; しばら .く Nanori ころも Reading Korean gyeong ; gyu Reading Korean ;
Meaning time ; about ; toward Meaning fr temps ; époque ; environ ; vers Meaning es tiempo ; aproximadamente ; hacia ; sobre

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 朝向 Simplified 朝向
Pinyin chao2 xiang4
English toward ; to face ; to open onto ; to turn towards ; orientation ; exposure ; Qibla ( Islam )

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition toward , direction , trend
Pinyin XIANG4 Jyutping hoeng3 On KOU KYOU SHOU Kun MUKU MUKAU SAKINI Hangul Korean HYANG SANG Tang *xiɑ̀ng Viet hướng
Traditional U+66CF Variant U+56AE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition toward , direction , trend
Pinyin xiàng Jyutping hoeng3 On KOU KYOU SHOU Kun MUKU MUKAU SAKINI Hangul : 0E Korean HYANG SANG Tang *xiɑ̀ng Viet hướng
Traditional U+66CF Variant U+56AE

JMdict 100319
Word に対して
Reading にたいして
Translation eng towards ; against ; regarding ; in contrast with
Crossref に対する

JMdict 100319
Word に対する
Reading にたいする
Translation eng regarding ; in ; to ; towards ; with regards to
Crossref に対して

JMdict 100319
Word 対露 ; 対ロ
Reading たいろ ; たいロ
Translation eng towards Russia ( relations , policy , etc .)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 侵晨 Simplified 侵晨
Pinyin qin1 chen2
English towards dawn

CEDict 100318
Traditional 傍午 Simplified 傍午
Pinyin bang4 wu3
English towards noon ; around midday

CEDict 100318
Traditional 傍晚 Simplified 傍晚
Pinyin bang4 wan3
English in the evening ; when night falls ; towards evening ; at night fall ; at dusk

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xiang4
English direction ; orientation ; to face ; to turn toward ; to ; towards ; shortly before ; formerly ; to side with ; to be partial to ; all along ( previously ) ; surname Xiang

CEDict 100318
Traditional 向暮 Simplified 向暮
Pinyin xiang4 mu4
English towards evening

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xiang4
Variant , direction
English orientation ; to face ; to turn toward ; to ; towards ; shortly before ; formerly ; to side with ; to be partial to ; all along ( previously ) ; surname Xiang

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ben4
English go to ; towards

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin di3
English background ; bottom ; base ; the end of a period of time ; towards the end of ( last month )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wang3
English to go ( in a direction ) ; to ; towards ; ( of a train ) bound for ; past ; previous

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xiang4
Variant , direction
English orientation ; to face ; to turn toward ; to ; towards ; shortly before ; formerly ; to side with ; to be partial to ; all along ( previously ) ; surname Xiang

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wang4
English full moon ; to hope ; to expect ; to visit ; to gaze ( into the distance ) ; to look towards ; towards

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin chong4
English powerful ; vigorous ; pungent ; towards ; in view of

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gen1
English heel ; to follow closely ; to go with ; to marry sb ( of woman ) ; with ; towards ; as ( compared to ) ; from ( different from ) ; and ( in addition to )

JMdict 200217
Word に対して
Reading にたいして
Translation dut tegen ; tegenover ; tgov . {afk .} ; jegens ; in tegenstelling tot ; met ; i.t.t. {afk .} ; onderscheiden van ; evenredigheid} op {m .b.t. ; per Translation hun tájt ; vminek érdekében ; ellen ; vonatkozólag
Translation eng towards ; against ; regarding ; in contrast with
Crossref に対する

JMdict 200217
Word に対する
Reading にたいする
Translation dut tegen ; tegenover ; tgov . {afk .} ; jegens ; in tegenstelling tot ; met ; i.t.t. {afk .} ; onderscheiden van ; evenredigheid} op {m .b.t. ; per Translation hun -ba ; -be ; -en ; -ként ; -képpen ; -on ; -ön ; benn ; bent ; idején ; közül ; miközben ; módon ; -nak ; -nek ; -ni ; tájt ; vminek érdekében Translation spa para con ; en relación a ; en relación con ; con respecto a
Translation eng regarding ; in ; to ; towards ; with regards to
Crossref に対して

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 侵晨 Simplified 侵晨
Pinyin qin1 chen2
English towards dawn

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 傍午 Simplified 傍午
Pinyin bang4 wu3
English towards noon ; around midday

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 傍晚 Simplified 傍晚
Pinyin bang4 wan3
English in the evening ; when night falls ; towards evening ; at night fall ; at dusk

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xiang4
English towards ; to face ; to turn towards ; direction ; to support ; to side with ; shortly before ; formerly ; always ; all along ; ( suffix ) suitable for ... ; oriented to ...

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 向暮 Simplified 向暮
Pinyin xiang4 mu4
English towards evening

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ben4
English to go to ; to head for ; towards

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dui4
English right ; correct ; couple ; pair ; towards ; at ; for ; to face ; opposite ; to treat ( sb a certain way ) ; to match together ; to adjust ; to fit ; to suit ; to answer ; to reply ; classifier : couple

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wang3
English to go ( in a direction ) ; to ; towards ; ( of a train ) bound for ; past ; previous

Records 1 - 50 of 60 retrieved in 473 ms