JMdict 100319
Reading そこそこ
Translation eng reasonably ; fairly well ; or so ; about Translation ger hastig ; in Eile ; nur ; knapp ; ungefähr

JMdict 100319
Word 許り ;
Reading ばかり ; ばっかり ; ばっか
Translation eng approximately ; about ; only ; merely ; nothing but ; ( after the -ta form of a verb ) just ( finished , etc .)

JMdict 100319
Word 何時頃
Reading いつごろ
Translation eng about when ; how soon Translation fre quand à peu près

JMdict 100319
Word 何時時分
Reading いつじぶん
Translation eng about what time

JMdict 100319
Word 今頃 ; 今ごろ
Reading いまごろ
Translation eng about this time Translation ger um diese Zeit ; ungefähr jetzt ; um diese Zeit ; etwa in diesem Augenblick Translation fre à cette heure ; récemment ; vers cette époque

JMdict 100319
Word 今時分
Reading いまじぶん
Translation eng about this time Translation ger um diese Zeit ; (z.B. im letzten Jahr ) ; gegenwärtig ; augenblicklich ; jetzt

JMdict 100319
Word 出掛け ; 出掛
Reading でがけ
Translation eng about to start out Translation ger Aufbruch ; Zeitpunkt , wenn man weggeht ; Zeitpunkt , gleich nach dem Aufbruch
Crossref お出掛け

JMdict 100319
Word お出掛け ; お出かけ
Reading おでかけ
Translation eng about to start out ; just about to leave or go out
Crossref 出掛

JMdict 100319
Word 先ず
Reading まず
Translation eng first ( of all ) ; to start with ; about ; almost ; anyway ; well ; now ; hardly ( with neg . verb ) Translation ger zuerst ; zunächst ; wohl ; auf jeden Fall Translation fre d'abord ; premièrement Translation rus прежде всего

JMdict 100319
Word 大凡 ;
Reading おおよそ
Translation eng about ; roughly ; as a rule ; approximately Translation ger etwa ; ungefähr ; zirka ; annähernd ; ganz ; überhaupt ; ganz und gar

JMdict 100319
Word 中頃
Reading なかごろ
Translation eng about the middle Translation ger ( etwa die ) ; Mitte ; mittlerer Teil

JMdict 100319
Word 中葉
Reading ちゅうよう
Translation eng about the middle ( of an era ) Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; um die Mitte ; ( eines Zeitalters )

JMdict 100319
Word 昼頃
Reading ひるごろ
Translation eng about noon Translation ger gegen Mittag ; um die Mittagszeit

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 凡そ
Reading およそ
Translation eng about ; roughly ; as a rule ; approximately Translation ger ungefähr ; etwa ; zirka ; annähernd ; gegen ; ganz ; überhaupt ; ziemlich Translation fre approximativement ; pas du tout

JMdict 100319
Reading やく
Translation eng approximately ; about ; promise ; shortening ; reduction ; simplification ; contraction ( in phonetics ) Translation ger ungefähr ; etwa ; rund ; circa Translation fre environ
Crossref 約音

JMdict 100319
Reading ころ ; ごろ
Translation eng ( approximate ) time ; around ; about ; toward ; suitable time ( or condition ) ; time of year ; season Translation ger um die Zeit , zu der ... Translation fre aux alentours de ( heure ) ; environ Translation rus вре́мя ; пери́од
Crossref 食べ頃

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 時半
Reading じはん
Translation eng about an hour ; short time ; half past ( the hour )

JMdict 100319
Word 就いて
Reading ついて
Translation eng about ; concerning ; as to ; regarding Translation ger über ; von ; in bezug auf ; bezüglich ; in betreff ; in Hinsicht auf ; hinsichtlich ; mit ; in Begleitung ; entlang ; bei ; unter ; pro ; je ; per Translation rus о ; об ; относи́тельно

JMdict 100319
Reading あらまし
Translation eng outline ; gist ; abstract ; roughly ; about Translation ger Umriss ; Zusammenfassung ; flüchtig ; kurz ; zusammenfassend

JMdict 100319
Word 搦み ; 絡み
Reading がらみ
Translation eng about ; concerning ; related to ; -ish

JMdict 100319
Translation eng also ; too ; words of similar weight ; about ( emphasizing an upper limit ) ; as much as ; even ; more ; further ; other ; again
Crossref もう

JMdict 100319
Reading にかけて
Translation eng concerning ; about (i.e. approx . time or place ) ; on ; concerning ; at
Crossref にかけては ; 掛ける

JMdict 100319
Word いい頃 ; 良い頃
Reading いいころ ; よいころ
Translation eng high time ; about time

JMdict 100319
Word 死にそう
Reading しにそう
Translation eng at the point of death ; almost dead ; about to die ; at some limit ( pain , hunger , etc .)

JMdict 100319
Reading がた
Translation eng honorific pluralizing suffix ( used only for people ) ; around ( the time that , etc .) ; about

JMdict 100319
Word 許し ;
Reading ばかし ; ばっかし
Translation eng approximately ; about ; only ; nothing but ; ( after the -ta form of a verb ) just ( finished , etc .)
Crossref 許り

JMnedict 100319
Reading アブー Romaji About

CEDict 100318
Traditional 上下 Simplified 上下
Pinyin shang4 xia4
English up and down ; top and bottom ; old and new ; length ; about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不相上下 Simplified 不相上下
Pinyin bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4
English equally matched ; about the same

CEDict 100318
Traditional 事關 Simplified 事关
Pinyin shi4 guan1
English to concern ; on ( some topic ) ; about ; concerning ; to have importance for

CEDict 100318
Traditional 光景 Simplified 光景
Pinyin guang1 jing3
English circumstances ; scene ; about ; probably

CEDict 100318
Traditional 內外 Simplified 内外
Pinyin nei4 wai4
English inside and outside ; domestic and foreign ; approximately ; about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 八九不離十 Simplified 八九不离十
Pinyin ba1 jiu3 bu4 li2 shi2
English pretty close ; very near ; about right

CEDict 100318
Traditional 十幾個月 Simplified 十几个月
Pinyin shi2 ji3 ge4 yue4
English ten months or so ; about ten months

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大概 Simplified 大概
Pinyin da4 gai4
English roughly ; probably ; rough ; approximate ; about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大約 Simplified 大约
Pinyin da4 yue1
English approximately ; about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 左右 Simplified 左右
Pinyin zuo3 you4
English about ; approximately ; left and right ; around ; attendant

CEDict 100318
Traditional 彌漫 Simplified 弥漫
Pinyin mi2 man4
English to pervade ; to fill the air ; diffuse ; everywhere present ; about to inundate ( water ) ; permeated by ( smoke ) ; filled with ( dust ) ; to saturate ( the air with fog , smoke etc )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dai4
English to wait ; to treat ; to deal with ; to need ; going to ( do sth ) ; about to ; intending to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 模樣 Simplified 模样
Pinyin mu2 yang4
English look ; style ; appearance ; approximation ; about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 百兒八十 Simplified 百儿八十
Pinyin bai3 er2 ba1 shi2
English about a hundred ; a hundred or so

CEDict 100318
Traditional 約合 Simplified 约合
Pinyin yue1 he2
English approximately ; about ( some numerical value )

Records 1 - 50 of 140 retrieved in 521 ms