Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to separate ; to part , to split ; to crack , to rend ; to rip open
Pinyin BAI3 Jyutping bai2 bei1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shapes of the mountain , the strategic and dangious gorge , (a dialect ) field in between of the valleys
Pinyin BAI4 Jyutping bai3 be6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bricks of the well ; brick wall of a well , to build a well , to construct with bricks
Pinyin BAI3 BO2 Jyutping baak3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thin cut of the sliced meat
Pinyin ZHE2 Jyutping bai3 dip6 pung3 sip3 sit3 zip3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the lower part of a garment ; skirt ; petticoat
Pinyin BAI3 HE4 Jyutping baai2
Traditional U+896C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a kind of pheasant
Pinyin BI2 BI4 XU4 Jyutping bai3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hundred Value 100
Pinyin BAI3 BO2 Jyutping baak3 On HAKU BYAKU Kun OSA Hangul Korean PEYK
Variant U+767E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to open ; to spread out
Pinyin BAI3 Jyutping baai2 On HAI HA HEI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition put , place ; display ; swing , sway
Pinyin BAI3 Jyutping baai2
Traditional U+64FA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition put , place ; display ; swing , sway
Pinyin BAI3 Jyutping baai2 On HAI Kun HIRAKU Hangul Korean PHA Tang bɛ̌i Viet bẫy
Simplified U+6446

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cypress , cedar
Pinyin BAI3 BO2 BO4 Jyutping baak3 paak3 On HAKU Kun KASHIWA Hangul Korean PAYK Tang *bæk Viet bách
Variant U+6822

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition one hundred ; numerous , many Value 100
Pinyin BAI3 BO2 MO4 Jyutping baak3 On HYAKU HAKU Kun MOMO Hangul Korean PAYK MAYK Tang *bæk Viet vầu bách
Variant U+4F70

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BAI3

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BI4 Jyutping bai3 bei2 bei3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hm
Pinyin BAI3 Kun HEKUTOMEETORU Hangul Korean PAYK

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BAI3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cover , hide , conceal ; shelter
Pinyin BI4 FU4 Jyutping bai3 On HEI Kun OOU OOI Hangul Korean PHYEY Tang biɛ̀i
Variant U+8298

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lower part of a robe
Pinyin BAI3 Jyutping baai2
Simplified U+4653

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strong
Pinyin BI4 Jyutping bai3 bei6 On HI Kun IKARU Hangul Korean PI
Simplified U+8D51

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strong
Pinyin BI4 Jyutping bai3 On HI Kun IKARU
Traditional U+8D14

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shut , close ; obstruct , block up
Pinyin BI4 Jyutping bai3 On HEI HETSU Kun TOJIRU SHIMERU TOZASU Hangul Korean PHYEY PYEL Tang *bèi Viet bế
Simplified U+95ED Variant U+9587

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shut , close ; obstruct , block up
Pinyin BI4 Jyutping bai3
Traditional U+9589

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠻻 Definition ( Cant .) noise , clamor
Jyutping bai3

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bai3
English hundred ( banker's anti-fraud numeral )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bai3
English hectogram

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bai3
English spread out ; to open

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bai3
English to arrange ; to exhibit ; to move to and fro ; a pendulum

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺出 Simplified 摆出
Pinyin bai3 chu1
English to assume ; to adopt (a look , pose , manner etc ) ; to bring out for display

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺動 Simplified 摆动
Pinyin bai3 dong4
English oscillation ; swing ; sway

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺地攤 Simplified 摆地摊
Pinyin bai3 di4 tan1
English lit . to set up a stall on the ground ; fig . to start up a new business

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺子 Simplified 摆子
Pinyin bai3 zi3
English malaria

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺布 Simplified 摆布
Pinyin bai3 bu4
English to order about ; to manipulate

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺平 Simplified 摆平
Pinyin bai3 ping2
English to be fair ; to be impartial ; to take care of (a matter etc )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺弄 Simplified 摆弄
Pinyin bai3 nong4
English to move back and forth ; to fiddle with

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺手 Simplified 摆手
Pinyin bai3 shou3
English to wave one's hands

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺攤子 Simplified 摆摊子
Pinyin bai3 tan1 zi5
English to set up a stall ; to maintain a large staff and organization

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺放 Simplified 摆放
Pinyin bai3 fang4
English to set up ; to arrange ; to lay out

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺明 Simplified 摆明
Pinyin bai3 ming2
English to show clearly

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺架子 Simplified 摆架子
Pinyin bai3 jia4 zi3
English put on airs ; assume great airs

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺樣子 Simplified 摆样子
Pinyin bai3 yang4 zi5
English to do sth for show ; to keep up appearances

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺渡 Simplified 摆渡
Pinyin bai3 du4
English ferry

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺滿 Simplified 摆满
Pinyin bai3 man3
English to spread over an area

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺線 Simplified 摆线
Pinyin bai3 xian4
English cycloid

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺脫 Simplified 摆脱
Pinyin bai3 tuo1
English to break away from ; to cast off ( old ideas etc ) ; to get rid of ; to break away ( from ) ; to break out ( of ) ; to free oneself from ; to extricate oneself

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺脫危機 Simplified 摆脱危机
Pinyin bai3 tuo1 wei1 ji1
English to break out of a crisis

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺花架子 Simplified 摆花架子
Pinyin bai3 hua1 jia4 zi5
English lit . to arrange a shelf of flowers ; superficial display ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺蕩吊環 Simplified 摆荡吊环
Pinyin bai3 dang4 diao4 huan2
English swinging rings

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺設 Simplified 摆设
Pinyin bai3 she4
English furnish and decorate (a room )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擺設兒 Simplified 摆设儿
Pinyin bai3 she4 r5
English ornaments ; furnishings

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 277 ms