JMdict 100319
Word 笑いの渦
Reading わらいのうず
Translation eng clamor of laughter

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin nao2
English clamor

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zao4
English the chirping of birds or insects ; noise ; clamor ; buzzing ; disturbance

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin guo1
English raucous ; clamor ; unpleasantly noisy

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聲浪 Simplified 声浪
Pinyin sheng1 lang4
English clamor

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hua2
Variant | , cat-calling sound
English clamor ; noise

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hong4
English boisterous ; clamor ; noise

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin sao1 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun さわ .ぐ ; うれい ; さわ . がしい Reading Korean so Reading Korean
Meaning boisterous ; make noise ; clamor ; disturb ; excite Meaning fr tapage ; faire du bruit ; clameur ; émeute ; exciter ; déranger Meaning es bullicio ; tumulto ; clamor ; hacer ruido ; hacer bulla ; agitarse Meaning pt vociferante ; barulhento ; clamor ; perturbar ; excitar

JMdict 200217
Word 叫び
Reading さけび
Translation dut kreet ; schreeuw ; uitroep ; roep ; gil ; krijs Translation hun kiabálás ; kiáltás ; sikoltás ; visítás ; lárma Translation spa grito ; chillido ; clamor
Translation eng shout ; scream ; outcry Translation ger Schrei ; Geschrei ; Ruf Translation fre cri Translation rus 1) крик , выкрик , возглас , восклицание ; 2) зов , призыв

JMdict 200217
Word 笑いの渦
Reading わらいのうず
Translation eng clamor of laughter

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin sao1 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun さわ .ぐ ; うれい ; さわ . がしい Reading Korean so Reading Korean
Meaning boisterous ; make noise ; clamor ; disturb ; excite Meaning fr tapage ; faire du bruit ; clameur ; émeute ; exciter ; déranger Meaning es bullicio ; tumulto ; clamor ; hacer ruido ; hacer bulla ; agitarse Meaning pt vociferante ; barulhento ; clamor ; perturbar ; excitar

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xiao1
English clamor

CC-CEDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin guo1
English raucous ; clamor ; unpleasantly noisy

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 聲浪 Simplified 声浪
Pinyin sheng1 lang4
English clamor

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin huan1
Variant | [ huan1 ]
English hubbub ; clamor

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin chao1
English clamor ; uproar ; annoyance

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zao4
English the chirping of birds or insects ; noise ; clamor ; buzzing ; disturbance

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hua2
English clamor ; noise ; ( bound form ) sound used to call cats

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 喧嘩 Simplified 喧哗
Pinyin xuan1 hua2
English hubbub ; clamor ; to make a racket

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xuan1
English clamor ; noise

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin nao2
English clamor ; ( onom .) "look!"

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xuan1
English clamor ; noise ; deceitful

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xiao1
English clamor

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hua2
English cat-calling sound ; clamor ; noise

CEDict 100318
Traditional 喧嘩 Simplified 喧哗
Pinyin xuan1 hua2
English brouhaha ; hullabaloo ; confused noise ; hubbub ; clamor

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xuan1
English clamor ; noise

JMdict 200217
Word 吶喊
Reading とっかん
Translation spa clamor ; grito de guerra
Translation eng rushing at the enemy ; battlecry ; cheer ; cry where one breathes in a large volume of air and then releases it suddenly in a loud cry Translation ger Ausstoßen eines Schlachtrufes Translation rus ( кн .) боевой клич
Crossref 鬨の声 ; 突貫

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clamor , din , hubbub
Pinyin GUA1 GUO1 Jyutping kut3 On KATSU Kun KAMABISUSHI Hangul Korean KWAL Tang guɑt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clamor , noise , din ; slander
Pinyin ZAO4 Jyutping cou3 On SOU Kun SAWAGU Hangul Korean CO Tang sɑ̀u
Variant U+566A

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin chao1
English clamor , uproar , annoyance

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition clamor , din , hubbub
Pinyin guā Jyutping kut3 On KATSU Kun KAMABISUSHI Hangul : 1N Korean KWAL Tang guɑt

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition clamor , noise , din ; slander
Pinyin zào Jyutping cou3 On SOU Kun SAWAGU Hangul : 1N Korean CO Tang sɑ̀u
Variant U+566A

JMdict 200217
Reading ワンワン ; わんわん
Translation dut woef {kindert .} ; woefwoef ; waf ; hondje ; waf ; woef ; blaf ; boehoe {= nabootsing van luid geschrei ; geblèr ; gejank ; kindergehuil} ; lawaaierig ; kabaal makend Translation swe vovve
Translation eng bow-wow ( barking sound ) ; arf arf ; woof ; bark ; waah-waah ( crying sound ) ; clamouring ; clamoring ; echoing ; bow-wow (i.e. a dog ) ; doggy Translation ger wauwau ( lautes Bellen eines Hundes ) ; plärrend ; laut weinend ; lärmend ; Wauwau ; Hund Translation rus гав-гав

CEDict 100318
Traditional 嘈雜 Simplified 嘈杂
Pinyin cao2 za2
English noisy ; clamorous

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鬧哄哄 Simplified 闹哄哄
Pinyin nao4 hong1 hong1
English clamorous ; noisy ; sensational ; very exciting

JMdict 200217
Word 喧しい ; 八釜しい
Reading やかましい
Translation dut lawaaierig ; luidruchtig ; rumoerig ; roezig ; schreeuwerig ; kabaal makend ; herrie makend ; veel leven makend ; kakofonisch ; schetterig ; roezemoezig ; lawaaiig ; luid ; gehorig ; krakeelachtig ; tumultueus ; tapageus ; bruyant ; procedure} lastig {m .b.t. ; vervelend ; omslachtig ; log ; ergerlijk ; flikkers {inform .} ; zeurderig ; drammerig ; zanikachtig ; zeverend ; veeleisend ; kieskeurig ; nauwgezet ; kies ; vies ; ( angstvallig ) precies ; pietluttig ; pietepeuterig ; kritisch ; moeilijk ; vitterig ; muggenzifterig ; vitziek ; streng ; strikt ; rigoureus ; gestreng ; rigide ; strak ; star ; programma} straf {m .b.t. ; gelovige} steil {m .b.t. ; stringent ; controversieel ; omstreden ; beladen ; geruchtmakend ; ophefmakend ; verhit Translation hun féktelen ; ócsárló ; aggodalmaskodó ; cikornyás ; fontoskodó Translation slv hrupen ; zelo hrupen ; strog Translation spa ruidoso
Translation eng noisy ; loud ; clamorous ; boisterous ; much talked of ; much-discussed ; vexed ; strict ; severe ; stern ; particular ; fussy ; fastidious ; fault-finding ; carping Translation ger laut ; lärmend ; geräuschvoll ; streng ; genau ; krittelig ; wählerisch ; viel diskutiert ; in aller Munde Translation fre agaçant ; bruyant ; rigoureux ; strict Translation rus 1) шумный ; 2) надоедливый , докучливый ; привередливый ; 3) придирчивый ; строгий ; 4) громкий , вызывающий шум

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 嘈雜 Simplified 嘈杂
Pinyin cao2 za2
English noisy ; clamorous

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 鬧哄哄 Simplified 闹哄哄
Pinyin nao4 hong1 hong1
English clamorous ; noisy ; sensational ; very exciting

JMdict 100319
Reading わいわい
Translation eng noisily ; clamorously ; many people making a din Translation ger ( onomat .) murmel , murmel! ; ( Gerede von vielen Leuten ) ; kreisch , kreisch ; ( Lärmen vieler Leute ) Translation fre être agité ; être bruyant

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