JMdict 100319
Word 突貫
Reading とっかん
Translation eng charge ; rush ; lightning attack Translation ger Stechen ; Sturmangriff ; Attacke ; rasche Durchführung Translation fre assaut ; charge

JMdict 100319
Word 特管
Reading とっかん
Translation eng industrial waste subject to special control

JMdict 200217
Word 特管
Reading とっかん
Translation eng industrial waste subject to special control

JMdict 200217
Word 吶喊
Reading とっかん
Translation spa clamor ; grito de guerra
Translation eng rushing at the enemy ; battlecry ; cheer ; cry where one breathes in a large volume of air and then releases it suddenly in a loud cry Translation ger Ausstoßen eines Schlachtrufes Translation rus ( кн .) боевой клич
Crossref 鬨の声 ; 突貫

JMdict 100319
Word 突貫工事
Reading とっかんこうじ
Translation eng construction at top speed Translation ger Arbeit im Schnellverfahren

JMdict 200217
Word 突貫工事
Reading とっかんこうじ
Translation eng construction at top speed Translation ger Arbeit im Schnellverfahren

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