JMdict 100319
Reading フォース
Translation eng force ; FORTH Translation ger Kraft ; Einfluss ; Macht ; Streitmacht ; Truppen .

JMdict 100319
Word 来る ; 来たる
Reading きたる
Translation eng to come ; to arrive ; to be due to ; next (e.g. "next April" ) ; forthcoming ; coming Translation ger kommender ... ; ( als Prafix ) ; sich herleiten ; beruhen auf ... ; seinen Grund haben in ... ; zuruckzufuhren sein auf ... ; veranlasst sein durch ... Translation fre arriver ; venir

CEDict 100318
Traditional 坦白 Simplified 坦白
Pinyin tan3 bai2
English honest ; forthcoming ; to confess

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 坦白 Simplified 坦白
Pinyin tan3 bai2
English honest ; forthcoming ; to confess

CEDict 100318
Traditional 冒冒失失 Simplified 冒冒失失
Pinyin mao4 mao4 shi1 shi1
English bold ; forthright

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin kuai4
English rapid ; quick ; speed ; rate ; soon ; almost ; to make haste ; clever ; sharp ( of knives or wits ) ; forthright ; plain-spoken ; gratified ; pleased ; pleasant

CEDict 100318
Traditional 明朗 Simplified 明朗
Pinyin ming2 lang3
English bright ; clear ; obvious ; forthright ; open-minded ; bright and cheerful

CEDict 100318
Traditional 直言 Simplified 直言
Pinyin zhi2 yan2
English forthright speak ; to talk bluntly

CEDict 100318
Traditional 諍言 Simplified 诤言
Pinyin zheng4 yan2
English to reprove ; forthright admonition

CEDict 100318
Traditional 豪爽 Simplified 豪爽
Pinyin hao2 shuang3
English outspoken and straightforward ; forthright ; expansive

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 冒冒失失 Simplified 冒冒失失
Pinyin mao4 mao4 shi1 shi1
English bold ; forthright

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin kuai4
English rapid ; quick ; speed ; rate ; soon ; almost ; to make haste ; clever ; sharp ( of knives or wits ) ; forthright ; plainspoken ; gratified ; pleased ; pleasant

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 明朗 Simplified 明朗
Pinyin ming2 lang3
English bright ; clear ; obvious ; forthright ; open-minded ; bright and cheerful

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 粗豪 Simplified 粗豪
Pinyin cu1 hao2
English straightforward ; forthright

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 諍言 Simplified 诤言
Pinyin zheng4 yan2
English to reprove ; forthright admonition

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 豪爽 Simplified 豪爽
Pinyin hao2 shuang3
English outspoken and straightforward ; forthright ; expansive

JMdict 200217

CEDict 100318
Traditional 立刻 Simplified 立刻
Pinyin li4 ke4
English forthwith ; immediate ; prompt ; promptly ; straightway ; thereupon ; at once

CEDict 100318
Traditional 頓時 Simplified 顿时
Pinyin dun4 shi2
English at once ; immediately ; forthwith

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 立刻 Simplified 立刻
Pinyin li4 ke4
English forthwith ; immediate ; prompt ; promptly ; straightway ; thereupon ; at once

Records 1 - 24 of 24 retrieved in 516 ms