Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse with long mane
Pinyin LIU2 MAO2 Jyutping mou4 wu4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse with long hair
Pinyin BO2 Jyutping but6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse with white forehead , ( 的盧 )
Pinyin CHUO4 Jyutping zyut3 zyut6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse chestnut
Pinyin SUO1 Jyutping so1 On SA Kun HEGO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse whip ; flog
Pinyin CHUI2 Jyutping ceoi4 On SUI ZUI Kun TAKE Hangul Korean CHWU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse with white back legs
Pinyin ZHU4 Jyutping zyu3 On SHU SOKU ZOKU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse with a bluish white color
Pinyin CONG1 Jyutping cung1 On SOU SU Kun ASHIGE Hangul Korean CHONG Tang *tsung
Simplified U+9AA2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse without saddle
Pinyin CHAN3 ZHAN4 Jyutping cin5 zaan2 Hangul Korean CAN
Simplified U+9AA3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse
Pinyin SHUANG1 Jyutping soeng1
Simplified U+9AA6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse with a bluish white color
Pinyin CONG1 Jyutping cung1
Traditional U+9A44

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse without saddle
Pinyin CHAN3 ZHAN4 Jyutping cin5
Traditional U+9A4F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horse
Pinyin SHUANG1 Jyutping soeng1
Traditional U+9A66

JMdict 100319
Reading ホースレース
Translation eng horse race Translation ger {Sport} Pferderennen

JMdict 100319
Reading マロニエ
Translation eng marronier ; horse chestnut Translation ger {Bot .} Rosskastanie ; wilde Kastanie Source Language fre marronnier

JMdict 100319
Word 一駄
Reading いちだ
Translation eng horse load Translation ger Last eines Pferdes

JMdict 100319
Word 競馬
Reading けいば
Translation eng horse racing Translation ger Pferderennen Translation fre course de chevaux

JMdict 100319
Reading こま
Translation eng piece ( in shogi , chess , etc .) ; horse ; foal ; bridge ( of a violin , etc .) Translation ger Pferd ; Fohlen ; Pony ; {Shôgi} Shôgi-Stein ; Schachfigur ; Steg ; ( eines Saiteninstrumentes )

JMdict 100319
Word 口取り
Reading くちとり
Translation eng leading a horse , cow , etc . ; groom ; horse boy ; hors d'oeuvre ; appetizer ; side dish Translation ger Stallbursche ; Stallknecht ; Horsd'œuvre

JMdict 100319
Word 桜肉
Reading さくらにく
Translation eng horse meat Translation ger Pferdefleisch Translation fre viande de cheval

JMdict 100319
Word 乗馬
Reading じょうば
Translation eng horse riding ; riding horse ; saddle horse Translation ger Reiten ; Ritt ; Reitpferd

JMdict 100319
Reading うま
Translation eng horse ; promoted bishop ( shogi ) Translation ger Pferd ; Ross ; Gaul ; Hengst ; Stute ; Wallach ; Fohlen ; Füllen ; Pony ; Bock ; Gestell ; Leiter ; jmd , der dem Gast nach Hause folgt um Rechnung zu kassieren ; {Shôgi} Springer ; Pferd Translation fre fou promu ( au shogi ) ; cheval Translation rus ло́шадь ; конь

JMdict 100319
Word 馬市
Reading うまいち
Translation eng horse market Translation ger Pferdemarkt

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading あじ
Translation eng horse mackerel Translation ger {Fischk .} Rossmakrele ; Stachelmakrele ; ( <wiss . N.: Carangidae> ) Translation fre chinchard

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading さくら
Translation eng cherry tree ; cherry blossom ; decoy ; fake buyer ; shill ; hired applauder ; horse meat Translation ger {Bot .} Kirschbaum ; Kirsche ; ( <wiss . N.: Prunus> ) ; Kirschblüte ; Pferdefleisch Translation fre cerisier ; fleur de cerisier Translation rus сакура
Crossref 桜ん坊

JMdict 100319
Word そら豆 ; 空豆 ; 蚕豆
Reading そらまめ
Translation eng broad bean ; horse bean ; fava bean Translation ger {Bot .} Saubohne ; ( <wiss . N.: Vicia faba> )

JMdict 100319
Word 馬蝿 ; 馬蠅
Reading うまばえ
Translation eng horse botfly ( Gasterophilus intestinalis ) Translation ger {Insektenk .} Pferdefliege ; ( <wiss . N.: Gastrophilus intestinalis> )

JMdict 100319
Word 馬糞
Reading ばふん ; まぐそ
Translation eng horse dung Translation ger Pferdemist ; Pferdeäpfel

JMdict 100319
Word 調馬
Reading ちょうば
Translation eng horse training or breaking Translation ger Dressieren eines Pferdes

JMdict 100319
Word 馬鹿笑い ; ばか笑い
Reading ばかわらい
Translation eng horse laugh ; guffaw ; wild laughter Translation ger lautes Lachen ; wieherndes Lachen

JMdict 100319
Word 馬糧
Reading ばりょう
Translation eng horse feed Translation ger Pferdefutter

JMdict 100319
Word 調馬師
Reading ちょうばし
Translation eng horse trainer Translation ger Pferdedresseur

JMdict 100319
Word 追分節
Reading おいわけぶし
Translation eng horse driver's song Translation ger {Mus .} Oiwake-Lied ; Lied der Pferdeknechte ; ( Volksliedart )

JMdict 100319
Word 出走馬
Reading しゅっそうば
Translation eng horse entered in a race Translation ger gestartetes Pferd

JMdict 100319
Reading ブラッドスポーツ
Source Language eng blood sport Translation eng horse racing

JMdict 100319
Word 筍虫
Reading たけのこむし
Translation eng horse botfly larva
Crossref 馬蠅

JMdict 100319
Word 馬虻
Reading うまあぶ
Translation eng horse botfly
Crossref 馬蠅

JMdict 100319
Word 持ち馬
Reading もちうま
Translation eng horses owned ; horse owned

JMdict 100319
Word 馬槽
Reading うまぶね ; まぶね
Translation eng horse trough

JMdict 100319
Word 歩法
Reading ほほう
Translation eng horse gait ; way of walking (e.g. in martial arts , etc .)

JMdict 100319
Reading くさや
Translation eng horse mackerel dipped in salt water and dried in the sun

JMdict 100319
Word 馬鐸
Reading ばたく
Translation eng horse bell

Radical List
Radical Radical
Meaning horse

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yu3
English horse stable ; frontier

Records 1 - 50 of 213 retrieved in 711 ms