Unicode 5.2
Character Definition anger ; rage ; angry , ( same as ) recalcitrant ; stubbornly persisting in doing something wrong ; cruel ; despotic
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping leoi6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a pair ; a couple , luxuriant ; lush ; exuberant
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lai6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to cut open , to strike against ; to clash together
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping gak3 lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound of rolling a boat
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lai6 lap1 lap6 Viet lắp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition vexingly verbose or wordy ; prosy ; complicated ; annoying
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lei6 leot6 Viet trắt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to curse , to swear and oath , incantations
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lai6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a mountain
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping gak3 ham2 leot6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition remains ; remnants
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lai6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to surprise ; to amaze , afraid ; scared ; fearful ; terrified , grieved ; distressed ; grieved ; distressed
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lai6 Viet sệt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mournful ; melancholy ; distressed ; grieved ; sad
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lei6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition (a simplified form ) to strike ; to tap , to shock
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition light ; bright , clear , intelligent ; clever
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( an ancient form of ) the chestnut tree , a kind of metalwork in ancient times
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping leot6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) the jujube tree , thorny brambles , a kind of date ( with a sour taste )
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to die from disease
Pinyin LI4 SUAN4 XIAN4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of beast
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6 lim5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of jade
Pinyin LI4 LIE4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gourd used as a ladle or dipper
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping laai5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a large earthen pot , a large iron cauldron used in old time
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to sink ; to fall , to entrap , to crush ; to capture
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lai6

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) small stones , gravel , shingle
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pretty eyes , to have a casual and short glance
Pinyin LI4 SHUO4 Jyutping soek3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( abbreviated form of ) small stones ; pebble ; gravel ; shingle
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition long grains
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lei6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to arrive , from ; by ; through , to manage ; to undertake , to follow , thin ; few , distant , idle
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lei6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition coarse rice -- unhulled , ( interchangeable ) coarse -- of grain
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lai6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a fierce goat , a castrated ram
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a variety of grass
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping leot6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition scattered or dispersed of grass and trees , ( non-classical form of ) the garlic ( belongs to meat and fish diet )
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping syun3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) oyster
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping laai6 lit6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to search out ; to examine into , ( Cant .) to give an angry glances at somebody
Pinyin LI4 LUAN2 Jyutping laai6 lak6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to jump ; to leap ; to bounce ; to spring , to run over ; to oppress
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to walk , agile ; adroit , a method of wielding the brush in writing Chinese characters
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping hip3 lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a tool for brushing the thread , ornamental ; brilliant
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dregs ; lees of cheese , cheese
Pinyin LI4

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a gale ; a gust of swift wind , timely wind
Pinyin LI4 XIE2 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a blustering gale ; violent storm
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping leot6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a horse , horses in an ordered line ; to travel quickly ; to move fast ; to hasten , tame , well-bred , to put under control
Pinyin LI4 LIE4 Jyutping lit6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition color of the horse
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a large earthen pot , a large iron cauldron
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) a large earthen pot , a large iron cauldron
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a general name for perch , etc .
Pinyin LI4 LUO3 Jyutping lap6
Traditional U+29D98

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of bird
Pinyin LI4 SHUN4 Jyutping seon3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) beautiful ; elegant ; fair ; fine
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lai6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the sound of chewing something dry and hard , sound of gnawing or biting
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping laap6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beautiful , magnificent , elegant
Pinyin LI4 LI2 Jyutping lai6 On REI Kun URUWASHI
Traditional U+9E97

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