Unicode 5.2
Character Definition make mischief , incite , instigate
Pinyin SUO1 Jyutping so1 On SA Kun SOSONOKASU Hangul Korean SA
Cangjie Input Code RICE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice plant growing the second time , the ear of grain ( corn , millet etc .) growing upward
Pinyin BI4 Jyutping baat6 bui6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice boiled to gruel , congee ; porridge
Pinyin HUI4 WEI4 Jyutping mei5 min5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice gravy
Pinyin FAN2 FAN4 Jyutping faan4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice field
Hangul Korean TAP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice seedlings , young rice plants
Pinyin YANG1 Jyutping joeng1 On OU Kun NAE UERU Hangul Korean ANG Viet ương

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping ling4 luk6 On RIKU ROKU Kun WASE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice growing in field , rice plant
Pinyin DAO4 On TOU Kun INE Korean TO
Variant U+7A3B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice growing in field , rice plant
Pinyin DAO4 Jyutping dou6 On TOU Kun INE Hangul Korean TO Tang dhɑ̀u
Variant U+7A32

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping luk6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice tassel ; sharp point ; clever
Pinyin YING3 Jyutping wing6 On EI Kun HOSAKI Hangul Korean YENG Tang iuɛ̌ng Viet dĩnh
Simplified U+9896

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice
Pinyin TONG2 ZHONG4 Jyutping tung4 zung3 On TOU ZU SHOU SHU Kun OKUTE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice gruel , congee
Pinyin ZHOU1 YU4 ZHU4 Jyutping zuk1 On SHUKU IKU Kun KAYU HISAGU Hangul Korean CWUK YUK
Variant U+9B3B

Unicode 5.2
Character 粿 Definition rice cake
Pinyin GUO3 Jyutping gwo2 On KA GE Kun SHIRAGEYONE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice grits left after hulling

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice gruel , congee ; mashed
Pinyin MI2 MEI2 Jyutping mei4 On BI Kun KAYU TADARERU Hangul Korean MI Tang myɛ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice snacks
Pinyin MO2 Jyutping mou4 On BO MO Kun KATA Hangul Korean MO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice dumpling
Pinyin ZONG4
Variant U+7CC9

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice ball
Pinyin TUAN2 Jyutping tyun4 On DAN Kun DANGO Korean TAN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice tassel ; sharp point ; clever
Pinyin YING3 On EI Kun HOSAKI Viet nhánh
Simplified U+9895

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice tassel ; sharp point ; clever
Traditional U+9834

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice tassel ; sharp point ; clever
Pinyin YING3 Jyutping wing6
Traditional U+7A4E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice cake
Pinyin TUO1 Jyutping tok3 On TAKU Kun MOCHI
Simplified U+9966

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice cake
Pinyin CI2 ZI1 Jyutping ci4 On SHI JI Kun MOCHI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice cake
Pinyin BO2 Jyutping bok3 On HAKU
Simplified U+998E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice cake
Pinyin LUO2 On RA Kun MOCHI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice cake
Pinyin TUO1 Jyutping tok3
Traditional U+98E5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rice cake
Pinyin BO2 Jyutping bok3
Traditional U+993A

JMdict 100319
Word お握り ; 御握り
Reading おにぎり
Translation eng rice ball ( often triangular , sometimes with a filling and wrapped in nori ) Translation ger {Kochk .} Onigiri ; Reisball Translation fre sushi moulé à la main

JMdict 100319
Word お結び ; 御結び
Reading おむすび
Translation eng rice ball

JMdict 100319
Word お餅
Reading おもち
Translation eng rice cakes ; pounded mochi rice

JMdict 100319
Reading しゃり
Translation eng rice prepared for sushi

JMdict 100319
Reading ライス
Translation eng rice ( esp . when served on a plate ) Translation ger Reis ; ( in dieser Aussprache eher auf dem Teller als westliches Essen und nicht in einer Schale ; <Herk .: von engl . "rice"> ) Translation rus рис
Crossref ライスカレー

JMdict 100319
Reading ライスケイク
Translation eng rice cake

JMdict 100319
Reading ライスペーパー
Translation eng rice paper

JMdict 100319
Word 安倍川餅
Reading あべかわもち
Translation eng rice cakes ( mochi ) with Kinako Translation ger {Konditoreiw .} Abekawa-Mochi ; Mochi mit Sojamehl

JMdict 100319
Word 稲刈り
Reading いねかり
Translation eng rice reaping Translation ger Reisernte Translation fre récolte du riz

JMdict 100319
Word 稲作
Reading いなさく
Translation eng rice crop Translation ger {Landw .} Reisbau ; Reisernte Translation fre récolte de riz

JMdict 100319
Word 稲子 ;
Reading いなご ; こう
Translation eng rice grasshopper ( of genus Oxya ) ; grasshopper ; locust ( of family Catantopidae ) Translation ger {Insektenk .} Heuschrecke

JMdict 100319
Word 稲熱
Reading いもち
Translation eng rice blight

JMdict 100319
Word 稲熱病 ; いもち病
Reading いもちびょう
Translation eng rice blight ; rice blast Translation ger {Biol .} Reisbrand

JMdict 100319
Word 凹田
Reading くぼた
Translation eng rice field in a low place

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 供米
Reading くまい
Translation eng rice offered to a god Translation ger {Rel .} Opferreis ; für eine Gottheit geopferter Reis

JMdict 100319
Word 桜飯
Reading さくらめし
Translation eng rice boiled with soy sauce and sake Translation ger {Kochk .} mit Sojasoße und Sake gekochter Reis

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 雑炊
Reading ぞうすい
Translation eng rice gruel containing vegetables , fish , etc ., and seasoned with miso or soy sauce Translation ger {Kochk .} Reis-Gemüse-Eintopf ; Reissuppe mit Gemüse Translation fre bouillon à base de riz
Crossref おじや

JMdict 100319
Word 仕付け
Reading しつけ
Translation eng rice planting ; tacking ; basting ; discipline Translation ger Erziehung ; Disziplin ; Training ; Abrichtung ; Zucht ; Heften

JMdict 100319
Word 杓文字
Reading しゃもじ
Translation eng wooden spoon ; ladle ; rice scoop Translation ger Schöpflöffel ; Schöpfkelle ; Reislöffel

Records 1 - 50 of 555 retrieved in 3225 ms