JMdict 100319
Word 動植物
Reading どうしょくぶつ
Translation eng plants and animals ; flora and fauna Translation ger Tiere und Pflanzen Translation fre la faune et la flore

JMdict 100319
Word 草木
Reading くさき ; そうもく
Translation eng plants ; vegetation Translation ger Pflanzen ; Vegetation ; Gewächse ; Gräser und Bäume Translation fre plantes ; végétation

JMdict 100319
Word 秋草
Reading あきくさ
Translation eng plants which flower in autumn ( fall ) Translation ger Herbstgras ; Herbstblume

CEDict 100318
Traditional 動植物 Simplified 动植物
Pinyin dong4 zhi2 wu4
English plants and animals ; flora and fauna

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hui4
English plants

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin che4
English plants sprouting

CEDict 100318
Traditional 花木 Simplified 花木
Pinyin hua1 mu4
English flowers and trees ; plants ; flora

CEDict 100318
Traditional 野生植物 Simplified 野生植物
Pinyin ye3 sheng1 zhi2 wu4
English plants in the wild

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cao3 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun くさ Reading Korean cho Reading Korean
Meaning grass ; plants ; grass radical ( no . 140 )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhe2 zhi2
Meaning to plant ; to set up ; to erect ; plants

JMdict 200217
Word 動植物
Reading どうしょくぶつ
Translation dut planten en dieren ; plant en dier ; fauna en flora ; biota
Translation eng plants and animals ; flora and fauna Translation ger Tiere und Pflanzen Translation fre la faune et la flore Translation rus ( сокр .) животные и и растения , фауна флора

JMdict 200217
Word 本草
Reading ほんぞう
Translation hun gyógyfüvek
Translation eng plants ; medicinal herbs Translation ger Pflanzen ; Kräuter ; Heilkräuter ; ( japanische ) Kräuterkunde ( Abk .) Translation rus травы ( гл . обр . лекарственные )

JMdict 200217
Word 草木
Reading くさき ; そうもく
Translation dut planten en bomen ; vegetatie ; gewassen ; flora Translation spa plantas ; vegetación
Translation eng plants ; vegetation Translation ger Pflanzen ; Vegetation ; Gewächse ; Gräser und Bäume ; Pflanzen ; Vegetation Translation fre plantes ; végétation Translation rus растительность ; ( кн .) деревья и травы ; растительность

JMdict 200217
Word 秋草
Reading あきくさ
Translation dut herfstbloeier {plantk .} ; chrysant {plantk .}
Translation eng plants which flower in autumn ( fall ) Translation ger Herbstgras ; Herbstblume Translation rus ( см .) あきぐさ ; осенние травы ( цветы )

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cao3 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun くさ Reading Korean cho Reading Korean
Meaning grass ; plants ; grass radical ( no . 140 )

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhe2 zhi2
Meaning to plant ; to set up ; to erect ; plants

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 動植物 Simplified 动植物
Pinyin dong4 zhi2 wu4
English plants and animals ; flora and fauna

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hui4
English plants

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin che4
English plants sprouting

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 花木 Simplified 花木
Pinyin hua1 mu4
English flowers and trees ; plants ; flora

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 草木 Simplified 草木
Pinyin cao3 mu4
English vegetation ; plants

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 野生植物 Simplified 野生植物
Pinyin ye3 sheng1 zhi2 wu4
English plants in the wild

JMdict 100319
Reading かや
Translation eng hay ; various gramineous grasses (e.g. eularies ) ; plants used for thatching Translation ger {Bot .} Schilfgras ; Miscanthusgras ; ( wie es zum Dachdecken verwendet wird )

JMdict 100319
Word 本草
Reading ほんぞう
Translation eng plants ; medicinal herbs Translation ger Pflanzen ; Kräuter ; Heilkräuter ; ( japanische ) ; Kräuterkunde ; ( Abk .)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 氣水池 Simplified 气水池
Pinyin qi4 shui3 chi2
Deutsch Plantschbecken ( z.B. aus aufblasbaren Kunststoff ) (u.E.) (S) ; Wasserbecken ( z.B. aus aufblasbaren Kunststoff ) (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 氣水池 Simplified 气水池
Pinyin qi4 shui3 chi2
Deutsch Plantschbecken (z.B. aus aufblasbaren Kunststoff ) (S) ; Wasserbecken (z.B. aus aufblasbaren Kunststoff ) (S)

JMdict 200217
Reading ナーサリー
Translation hun gyermekszoba Translation spa guardería ( eng : nursery ) ; jardín de infancia Translation swe barnkammare ; plantskola
Translation eng nursery Translation ger Kinderhort ; Kinderkrippe ; Kindertagesstätte ; Kinderstube ; Kinderzimmer

JMdict 200217
Word 育児室
Reading いくじしつ
Translation dut kinderbewaarplaats ; crèche ; kinderdagverblijf ; kinderopvang Translation hun gyermekszoba Translation spa guardería Translation swe barnkammare ; plantskola
Translation eng nursery Translation ger Kindergarten Translation rus детская {комната}

JMdict 200217
Word 乳児院
Reading にゅうじいん
Translation hun gyermekszoba Translation swe barnkammare ; plantskola
Translation eng nursery Translation ger Kinderkrippe ; Babykrippe Translation rus ясли {детские}

JMdict 200217
Word 公園
Reading こうえん
Translation dut park ; stadstuin ; plantsoen ; openbare tuin ; openbare speeltuin ; publieke speeltuin ; open speeltuin Translation hun dísztér ; katonai anyagraktár ; park ; parkolóhely ; telephely Translation slv park Translation spa parque ( público ) Translation swe park
Translation eng ( public ) park Translation ger öffentlicher Park ; öffentlicher Garten ; öffentliche Anlage ; Nationalpark ; Naturschutzgebiet Translation fre jardin public ; parc Translation rus городской ( общедоступный ) парк

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