Unicode 12.1
Character Definition temple , shrine , monastary
Pinyin shā Jyutping caat3 saat3 On SATSU SECHI Kun HATABASHIRA TERA KUNI Hangul : 0N Korean CHAL
Traditional U+524E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition temple
Pinyin shā Jyutping caat3 saat3 On SATSU SECHI Kun HATABASHIRA TERA KUNI Korean CHAL
Simplified U+5239

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition big building , mansion
Pinyin shà Jyutping haa6 On KA Kun IE Hangul : 0N Korean HA
Traditional U+5EC8
Pronunciation and Frequency shà ( 17 )

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition big building , mansion
Pinyin shà Jyutping haa6 On KA SA Kun IE HISASHI Hangul : 0N Korean HA Tang Viet
Simplified U+53A6
Pronunciation and Frequency shà ( 17 )

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition malignant deity ; baleful , noxious ; strike dead
Pinyin shā Jyutping saat3 On SATSU SAI SETSU Kun KOROSU Hangul : 0N Korean SAL
Pronunciation and Frequency shā ( 17 )

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