Unicode 5.2
Character Definition across
Pinyin HENG2 HENG4 GUANG1 HUANG2 HUANG4 Jyutping waang4 waang6 On OU KOU Kun YOKO YOKOTAWARU YOKOTAERU Korean HOYNG Viet hoạnh
Traditional U+6A6B
KPS 10721-2000 4D3D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a small round piece of distiller's grains or yeast
Pinyin BAI4 PI2 Jyutping bei1 bik1 pei4
Unicode Code Point 4D3D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition across
Pinyin héng Jyutping waang4 waang6 On OU KOU Kun YOKO YOKOTAWARU YOKOTAERU Korean HOYNG Viet hoạnh
Traditional U+6A6B
KPS 10721-2000 4D3D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a small round piece of distiller's grains or yeast
Pinyin Jyutping bei1 bik1 pei4
Unicode Code Point 4D3D

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