JMdict 200217
Word 阿比
Reading あび ; アビ
Translation dut duikers {dierk .} ; zeeduikers ; Gaviidae ; roodkeelduiker {dierk .} ; Gavia stellata Translation spa somormujo de cuello rojo ( Gavia stellata )
Translation eng red-throated loon ( Gavia stellata ) Translation ger Sterntaucher ; Gavia stellata Translation rus краснозобая гагара , Collumbus stellatus ( Pontopp .)

JMdict 100319
Reading ガビアル
Translation eng gharial ; gavial ( large crocodilian found on the Indian subcontinent ) Source Language fre

JMdict 200217
Reading ガビアル
Translation eng gharial ; gavial ( large crocodilian found on the Indian subcontinent ) Translation ger Gavial ; Schnabelkrokodil

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