Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) the pigeon ; the turtle dove
Jyutping gaau1 kaau1
Cangjie Input Code MUHAF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of bird
Pinyin YUAN2 Jyutping zyun4
Cangjie Input Code MUHAF

Unicode 5.2
Cangjie Input Code MUHAF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eagle
Pinyin SHUANG1
Simplified U+9E74
Cangjie Input Code MUHAF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) the pigeon ; the turtle dove
Jyutping gaau1 kaau1
Cangjie Input Code MUHAF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a kind of bird
Pinyin yuán Jyutping zyun4
Cangjie Input Code MUHAF

Unicode 12.1
Cangjie Input Code MUHAF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition eagle
Pinyin shuāng Jyutping soeng1
Simplified U+9E74
Cangjie Input Code MUHAF

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